STRIVE 15: Quiet Moment.

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Kibishi's POV

"Thanks for the food, Kuma!" I thank Akuma with a smile at the end.

"You're welcome!" Akuma said. "Seems like she's getting tired, hmm?" Akuma asked.

I look at Tao, who was rocking her head back and forth "Mm..."

"Right," I said. I remember them saying that they'll have rooms for us. That means..."Kuma, are they...going to have separate rooms for us?" I asked.

"Sadly, yes," Akuma says while frowning. 

"I see..." I look at Tao who was sleeping on my left shoulder "...I don't like it. I don't but- we can't break any rules here." 

"Kibi..." Akuma called out my name. She looks away "I tried to convince them to let you sleep together but they decline. They say that a boy and girl will do some unexpecting things once they're alone. And due to that reason alone, we must separate you two. I'm sorry...really."

"I see..." I frown "Tao will be mad at this."

"I know," Akuma said.

"She might hate this place for that..." I commented.

"I'll take full responsibility for that," Akuma says while placing her hand on her heart.

"I see," I close my eyes "Then, can I at least stay with her until she's fully asleep?" 

"Hmm...I think that's fine. I know the others will go against it but- I don't think it'll harm anyone, right?" Akuma smiles "Sure, why not?! Let's take her to the room and you stay with her until the very end!" 

"Thank you..." I slowly stand which made me wake Tao a bit.

"Mm... Kishi? What's wrong?" She asks sleepily. 

I frown. 

I wanted us to sleep together. I want us to be comfortable like always. But it seems like we can't do that anymore, huh? At least sleeping together that is. I smile "Let's get you in bed, Tao! You need some rest!"

"And... you too?" She asked.

"...." I lower my eyelids. I...I can't tell her. I can't tell her that we're sleeping separately from now on. It hurts. It hurt so much. I want to be with Tao whenever I sleep. I want to feel her warmth. I want her to listen to my heartbeat. Why can't we sleep together? Why?

"Yup!" I lied.

Tao smiled "Kishi..."

I frown once more. Tao was slowly lying her head on the table "We can finally sleep together...again. In a nice clean room...together."

"Tao..." I form both fists with a fake cheerful expression "Right! Just like always!"

"...K...ishi...Zzz..zz..." Toa fell asleep...

I take out my necklace and stare at it. I made an oath to Tao. I might not be able to sleep with her anymore, but I'll continue to be with her no matter what! So if sleeping separately will boost our chance of survival then so be it! 

...I'll miss it though...

I put my necklace away and decided to carry Tao. I was holding her as she lean in a bit more to rest her head on my chest.

Bu-bump! Bu-bump!


I narrow my eyes in sadness. Damn it, she's reading my heartbeat. She might have a feeling about the lie I just told her. I hope she doesn't pay too much attention to it. crying...

"...Kishi...Kishi...Kishi! Don't...leave me alone!" She whispers in her sleep.

"I'm here, Tao. Don't you worry. I'll always be here." I whisper to her. 

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