Strive 39: Let's Chat In The Meeting!

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Kibishi's POV

I was slowly panting...


I can feel my heart slowly pumping blood once more. I slowly open my eyes, and I say myself sitting on a chair, I think. I looked even more and saw myself getting strings attached to my heart. 

"Tao, calm down. Stop moving back and forth." I heard Kuma's voice.

"Kib is going to be okay. His heart didn't stop this time, right? He just passed out from all of the pressure, is all." I also hear Kujira. She seems worried about something. I wonder what?

"Kishi. Kishi screamed in pain. It's all my fault! I-I should've been there to comfort him! I let my rage cloud my judgment again! W-what should I do?! M-maybe I'll come up with some materials for the meds to enhance the beat of his heart- no, it'll only make things worse! Maybe I can create- no, no, Tao! You'll only cause him pain! You're no doctor, damn it! What if I- *mutters* *mutters*" I also heard Tao's voice. She's... panicking. Her heart is uneasy. 

"Calm yourself, Taogeta. Kibishi isn't dead. He's only in a state of shock, is all. Something made him freak out. The question is, "What"?" I heard Kibun's voice.

"Wait, that's it! I'll make him some tea! NO! He's in a state of shock, Tao!" Tao's heart was beating faster. "What do I do, guys?! *Hic* *Hic* Look at what I have done! He's so sad! It's breaking my heart!" Tao said.

"Tao, it's not your fault. Kibi isn't the type to just let you take the blame. If anything, it's the result of all of us being inexperienced. The battle must've brought up some trauma..." Kuma says sadly. 

"Taogeta, I am so sorry. As the founder, I'll do whatever it takes to bring him back to normal." The founder said. "For now, let's get some rest, Tao," Kujira suggested. "No. I'm staying..." Tao whispers in defeat. "Tao, I understand, but you haven't rested for 12 hours. Not to mention you didn't rest when we arrived here." Kuma explains.

"She's right. You all need to rest. Leave Kibishi to me." Mato said.

"No! I refuse to leave him! Kishi is all I have left in this world! *voice cracks* My life is meaningless if he's not with me now. I'm not eating, sleeping, or showering until Kishi wakes up. I want to- see him wake up again with my own eyes..." 

"Tao, you..." Kuma sighs after saying, "Listen, I'm worried about him, too. But do you think he would like it if you collapsed on the floor after waking up? Come on, let's rest..." Kuma explains.

"No..." Tao said.

I heard footsteps coming towards me. "Kishi is someone I don't plan to leave behind. If he's hurt, then I'll be here to help Mato treat him. If he needs blood, then I'll gladly give mine. If he needs half of my heart, then I'll do it. An eye, leg, or even a liver, I'll give it to him if it means he's staying alive." 

I felt a warm hand on my left cheek. "Kishi is...that important to me, Kuma. NOTHING in this world is more important than him to me. Not even the book I read. Not even my health." she whispers.

"Wow..." Everyone in the room says the same thing. 

"I... if only I were..." Kuma began saying but became silent...

"Mmm..." I groan in pain.

"*Gasps*" I heard Tao gasps. I slowly opened my eyes fully. "What's all of the noise about?" I ask while being in a dizzy state. I sat up and held my head. "Argh!" 

"Kishi!" Tao panics. "W-want me to get you something?! A-anything at all?!" she asked.

"I..." I began saying, but no other words came out of my mouth. Why? Why can't I speak my mind? Why am I so...tired?

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