Strive 68: Red Tide!

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Kibishi's POV

I don't fully understand it, but the monster has grown weaker since we last fought it. I believe it has something to do with the blood all over its body. 

The moon spills its blood all over the place, and now it's within ankle length. 

The moon was satisfied, so it was "thanking" us by weakening the monster. The question is- why? Why help the people who want to escape hell? I find that a bit strange. That said, we couldn't find any better opportunity than this one. We can figure out the details later during the next meeting.

Slash! Slash!

Kuma dodged two claw attacks from the smelly beast. She does a backflip and spins her blade, then aims the sword's tip toward the monster. "FIRE!" Kuma shouted.

Fwoosh! Fwoosh! Fwoosh!

Kuma cast three fireballs and it's heading toward the monster. The monster notices it on time and dodges all three of them at the same time. It then launches itself midair. The monster slashes the air, and three shock wave heads towards Kuma's direction. Kuma spins her blade and cuts all three shock waves.


Kuma does a triple flip and lands on one knee. "Huh?" Kuma tilted her head when she saw a giant shadow over her body.


The monster made an earthquake after landing in the pool of blood. Kuma backs up some more and slows down. She smirks, but then-


-The left side of Kuma's cheeks had three small slashes across it. Kuma slowly wipes it and then scoffs, "Lucky shot!" 



Meanwhile, Tao was running across the area. She had a severe expression while dragging her blade on the floor. "Right," Tao nodded and dashed swiftly toward the monster. Kuma was clashing with her sword to fend off the monster's massive claws. Kuma drags some dirt when she goes for the upper slash with her blade.



"Roarrrr!!!" The monster screams in pain. It then quickly grabs a hold of Kuma's body. "What the?! Mother Fucker!" Kuma panics.

The monster was about to bite Kuma's face off until-

Whoop! Slash! 

Tao arrived at the scene and cut off the hand holding Kuma with a downward slash. Tao went so fast that I didn't notice her arrive, honestly. 


"Arrgghh!!!" The monster screams in pain. It then uses its free hand to punch the two girls in front of it.


Luckily, Tao and Kuma dodged it and were now in made air.  "Are you okay, Kuma?" Tao asked. "I'm good, thanks to you!" Kuma replied with a big grin. They both landed next to me with serious expressions. "As I thought," Tao began speaking as we saw the monster attaching its arm back together, "Seems like we have to do the same thing as last time with the other monster." 

Fwoosh! Fwoosh! Fwoosh!

Jir was casting three primary fire blasts towards the monster. But the beast itself dodges it with no worries.

"It may have been weakened, but it's not a pushover. We'll have to do it in a way so it can surprise it. But what can we do to paralyze it for a very long period of time?" Tao wonders as Jir is facing the monster by herself at the moment. "Hey, what if I do the thing from last time? That could work. With my heartbeat and all." I suggested. 

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