Strive 36:Being Desperate

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Kibishi's POV

Step! Step! Step!

We all rush towards the location of the monster. It took a moment, but I managed to track down its heart. Kuma looked at me while running. "Anything, Kibi?!" she asked.

"Not yet...!" I narrow my eyes. "There! Over that rock!" I shouted.

"Right! Tao, take a right! Jir, take the left! I'm heading center! We're killing this monster tonight!" Kuma shouted out of excitement.

"Right!" Tao and Kujira nodded and then disappeared.

"Heh!" Kuma disappeared as well.

The next thing I know-


"Raoooorrrr!!!!" I heard a roar where the explosion came from. A smoke cloud formed as I was coughing on my right hand. I was waving the cloud away while trying to see what was happening. I widened my eyes and saw the girls surrounding the monster! It's way more significant than ever before, though!

"S...uper....nnnaaaattttuuurrraaallll!!!!!" The monster screams out while going on the defense. 

"Give it up, Monster! We got you now!" Kuma shouted with determination. 

"We won't let you go!" Kujira says while readying her two spears.

"Yes, we will slay you tonight..." Tao says while raising her sword, "...This is payback for harming, Kishi!"


I step next to the girl. "And this is payback for treating Tao like a puppet!" I flip the switch and set it up to 25% "25%! Lock and load! I got your back, everyone!" I shouted. 

"Monster! For your kindness, we shall end your life as quickly as possible. Without your help, we wouldn't ever find the monster's weakness!" Kuma shouted. "Yes, as a fellow Angel, let me send you in peace," Tao says calmly yet determinedly. 

"So, let's end this and report this to The Founder!" Kujira says with a bright smile.

"Get ready!" I shouted.

"Right! Everyone! Let's get 'em!" Kuma says with a smirk.

The monster slowly raises both of his fists and-


-Smashes the ground and separates us! Kuma and Tao landed from one side, and Kujira and I on the other. Kuma slides her foot but stops it immediately. She slowly stands up and dusts herself. "Heh. It's too late to run away. You should've done that when you had the chance!" 

Tao stood up and started to walk toward the monster. "The time for talk is over. We shall slay it here and now."

Dash! Dash!

Kuma and Tao head toward the monster with intense speed. 


Tao and Kuma clash with a weapon from each end of the monster. They were cornering it as it was roaring for its life. But that didn't stop it from countering back.


The monster pushes Tao back, and Kuma then disappears to reappear in front of Tao.


"Aaahh!!!" Tao gets slashed toward a wall.


"GAAHH!!!" Kuma slashes towards another wall after the monster reappears in front of her. 


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