Strive 75: Strange, Isn't It?

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Kibishi's POV

"So, what's this about, Founder?" I ask while sitting in front of his desk.

"Glad you ask, Kibishi." The founder says while sitting down on his chair. "You see, now we got some time to relax and have a bit of a breather thanks to the supernaturals, which is you guys; I feel like we should clear the air again."

"Hmm?" I tilt my head.

"Ah, I see that you're confused. Well, Kibun mentions that your heart can pick up even the slightest malicious intent, and let me tell you, we're not the bad guys here." The founder frowns. "No, let me be more honest here. Kibishi, I want to let you know that we're on the good side of this whole thing. The reason for bringing this up is because of what that monster from the lower tunnel brought up about how you all are on the wrong side.". The founder had a severe expression, "Don't trust them, Kibishi. These monsters are brilliant and can fool even the smartest scientists we have. The reason why I'm telling this to you personally is because you have a kind soul. And sometimes that kindness can be the end of you."

"Really? Well, maybe it did, but I didn't feel it lying about that, though." I said.

"Kibishi, they are people who can HIDE their true intentions. So you have to keep an eye out and a close ear. You never know what can happen in this dark and creepy world of ours. So, as the head of the group, I wanted to tell you this personally." The Founder said.

"Hmm..." I narrow my eyes.

There's that feeling again. I'm getting annoyed by the founder...

I don't understand why, though. Regardless, he does have a point. And if so, there's something strange about how he says this, as if he's giving a warning of some kind.

"Why couldn't you wait until we finish breakfast and announce it? About the whole bit with the monsters fooling others, that is." I asked with a straight face. "It's simple. I already told them this beforehand. You're the last person on the list to announce this to. After all, you can read emotions but either don't trust them or flat out ignore them sometimes."

"I see," I said.

That still doesn't explain why he would tell everyone one by one, though. Why not as a group? Hmm...

"Okay, let's say that's correct, and it was tricking me. Doesn't that mean my heart reading skills aren't worth trying?" I asked.

"No, no. It just means that you need more training, is all, my dear boy. For you see, that gift of yours is wonderful! We can use it to capture criminals running about and trying to cause trouble. Or even the capture creatures before we cut them up into pieces. That power of yours is simply astonishing!" The founder says with a warm smile.

"Fair point, I suppose," I said.

"Moving on," The founder turns serious, "I want you to rest easy and trust my words. As the founder of this whole operation, I want what is best for you guys, not the worst. Oh, by the way, I'm sorry if the way I greet Taoreta the first time looks a bit...uncomfortable. Let me tell you, that wasn't my intention. After all, I am the leader of all of this, and for a leader to look like some kind of...A FOOLISH and DISGUSTING human being will need to be punished right away."

"The point is, I want to help out any way I can. You don't have to put your guard over every little feeling you're having, Kibishi." The Founder says with a nervous smile.

"Hmm..." I smile gently. "I suppose you're right, Founder. I'm sorry for having doubted you."

"As long as we get along, nothing will bring humanity down!" The founder says with a bit of spunk in his voice.

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