Strive 44: The Daily #2 Part 2

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Kibishi's POV

I place a pot of fruits near the shop and then dust my hand.

"All done!" I said.

"Oh, thank you, young man! Let me award you along with something someone gives me." The elderly woman with a scarf tied on her head, short white hair, an apron, and glasses smiles warmly and hand me the money along with a small note. I take off her hand and bow down. "Thank you for your generosity! I should get going!"

Step! Step! Step!

The middle of the streets...

"Okay, one more task, and I should be done for today," I say with a gentle smile.

Oh boy, I'm nearly done. It was a bit tough with me alone, but now Tao can hang out with Kuma and Kujira for some girl time. That, and it's an excellent opportunity to look around the bookstore! Once I understand the prices, I can start planning some more and save up money to buy Tao a book she wants, along with a cute necklace to match her bracelet! I bet she'll look cute with it! Hehe, thinking about it will make me blush. Better cool down and just do the last task to get over it.

Step! Step! Step!

I continue to walk while thinking some more. "(I wonder if I should buy her a cute dress as well. Hmm, I think a pink one will fit her nicely. I should start small first, though. Yeah, the necklace would be an additional surprise, and the book or books I'll buy her.)".

I nodded to myself, and I continued the daily.

Moments later...

I walk towards the vet shop and hand them some meat lying around the city entrance from the food collectors who roam around with weapons. Now that the monster isn't there anymore, the creatures that are not as strong turn into food for the people here! Though, that in itself is weird. Then again, the creatures are tasty. As strange as it is.

Regardless, I place the pack of meats in front of the door and ring the doorbell.


I waited a few minutes...

Moments pass, and someone finally answers the door.


A male with brown skin, short hair, a blue shirt, long black pants, and shoes opens the door slowly. He then gives me a welcome smile. "Ah, you must be with H.U.M.A.N.I.T.Y, right? I assume you brought what I wanted?"

"Yup! I collected the meat for you, Mr. Smith. Now you can feed the pets." I said.

"Wonderful! And call me Ray." Ray says while taking something out of his pocket. He takes out some cash and a note, then hands it to me. "Here you go! Good work out there!"

"Thank you very much! Now then, if you'll excuse me!" I say while bowing down.

"Of course! Have a nice day! And feel free to come by whenever you're bored!" Ray suggested with a bright smile in the end.

Step! Step! Step!

I walked away from the vet's place while still counting the money. "I wonder if this will be enough to buy whatever Tao wants? Hmm, I'd have to see." I place the money inside my pants pocket, then wonder, "I suppose I got a bit of time. I think I'll take a walk around the place."

Step! Step! Step!

While walking around, I can see places that open up. I see a new ice cream shop to my left and a hospital to my right. I can also see a school that's been open for younger kids who are trapped in hell.

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