Strive 71: The Upper Tunnel Final Struggle

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Kibishi POV

"Kuma! Jir!" I shouted while putting my headphones on. "Let's end this!"

"Right," the two girls say while appearing before me.

I crank my megaphone and then my headphones. Afterward, I adjusted my heart radar and then ready myself for battle. The three of us stared down the monster, who looked half dead and seemed to like it'd give up any moment now. I'm not sure if Tao realizes this or not, but thanks to her, the monster swallows the blood while being dragged across it.

The monster is slowly approaching us. 

The moment is a lot easier to read than ever. This is it. Our chance to finish it off! Thank you, Tao. Without you, none of us would have this great opportunity. "I'm thankful, Tao. Without you, we wouldn't have this chance to strike back. I'll give you something in return soon. Promise." I said.

Jir slowly moves her upper body, powers up, and then transforms into her supernatural state. Her eyes were now yellow, and her hair was white. "Let's do this!" 

"You took those words right out of my mouth!" Kuma says in excitement.


Kuma zooms across the ocean of blood with a wicked grin. She smoothly lifts her sword, readying her powerful swing. The monster roars as it echoes throughout the area. It then rushes towards our direction. It went on all four and had this rage in it's eye. 

"DIE YOU FUCKER!!!!" Kuma screams out loud while backing her weapon. 

Once they both reach each out-



They both clash with one another. Kuma with her blade and the monster with it's now sharp claws. They both grit their teeth in rage. The aura around them spread throughout the place. Wow, despite losing much power, it's fending off Kuma pretty well. 


Kuma did a roundhouse kick on the monster's face, and it screamed in pain. Kuma landed with a sinister smirk. "Hehehe! What's wrong, big guy?! Can't handle a little kick?! HUH?!" 


The monster loses its balance and wobbles a bit. It then shakes its head, the beast, I mean, and then growls in anger. It swings its claw to Kuma. Luckily, Kuma swiftly moves to the side and ducks from another slash. Man, this monster is still quick on its feet! Before it can attack Kuma again-


"Water!" Jir called out after sending a vast water droplet on the monster's head. This gives Jir enough time to catch and-


-Give the monster a brutal knee attack on its claw. The monster spit out a lot from the impact of Jir's attack. Jir suddenly stands on top of the monster's head and twirls her two spears. "Time to cast the seal-!"


The monster punches Jir's waist and makes her spit out blood. 


Splash! Splash!

Jir body bounces a bit before rolling on top of the blood ocean which we're standing on. Once Jir slows down her fall, she gets up and spits the blood from the floor. "Piece of shit! I'll be regretting that!"

Step! Step!

I ran towards Jir "Jir!" I shouted.

Once I was within reach, I aimed my megaphone at Jir. "You're stressing! Here, let me!" 

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