Strive 40: Opinions.

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Kibishi's POV

"Right, I thought so, too. Until I realized that the monster was afraid of Kishi and his heart." Tao explains. She places her index finger under her chin. "Kishi's heartbeat isn't a threat to any humans. It's why I could sleep at night—the reason for me being calm most of the time. Yet- when the monster receives the heartbeat, it cries in pain—the opposite of how we all reacted when Kishi let us listen to his heart. Perhaps because Kishi doesn't show hastle to any of us, it doesn't harm us. But because the monster was a threat, Kishi's heart was full of anger. And that anger turns into a weapon that can harm the creatures. Monsters, too, if we want to be specific."

"So, what, he doesn't like a human's heart?" Ashely wonders.

"If that's the case, the monster wouldn't eat the humans with their hearts. I believe it's just Kibi's heart it doesn't like." Kuma explains while putting her hands in her pockets, "Besides, I believe it's because it's Kibi; it didn't want to listen to his heart. Otherwise, it would've jumped in and tried to kill him since he was pretty much a threat at that point."

"That said, I believe Kishi's heart strengthened the spell. Or- because Kishi unleashed his heartbeat towards the monster, it could not move at all." Tao explains.

"I see..." Mato says while nodding.

"And as for the part of Kishi freaking out like that..." Tao frowns. "Well, u-um..."

"..." I frown.

"Why don't we let Kibishi explain that himself?" The founder says with a straight face.

"O-oh! It's uh..." I tried to speak, but my mouth wasn't working with me right now. Why did I freak out for? I shake my head. "I might've just panicked from all of the bloodshed, is all. I don't think it has any meaning to it."

"Really?" Kibun narrowed his eyes. "And you saying "it's not fair, and why didn't you want to work together to find this missing girl isn't something? " isn't a bit concerning?"

"That's just me being a bit weird. I was probably thinking about Tao and the others." I tried to make this brief as soon as possible. I want to move on from the subject. "Hmm..." The adults suspiciously stare at me. "Kib, you were crying when the monster disappeared. I don't think you would do that to a monster who harms Tao and your friends..." Kujira says while looking at me suspiciously.

"Agreed. Kibishi, you're hiding something, correct? If you got something to say, then say it already." Kibun says while looking disapprovingly.

"B-but I..." I narrow my eyes in sadness. "I..I...!"

"Kishi doesn't have to answer that," Tao says bluntly.

"What?" The founder widens his eyes in shock. He then narrows his eyes in suspicion. "Kibishi is hiding something, Taogeta. If he's hiding something important, then-!"

Tao stands up and speaks, "I don't know what you all are suspicious about Kishi holding something back, but you can't just force him to speak something he's not comfortable with."

"Tao, I get it. You want to protect, Kib. But he's hiding something, and in the past, those who hid information will use it to turn all of us against each other. Please, step aside and let Kib explain himself." Kujira says while trying to convince Tao. But Tao isn't budging one bit. She holds my hand and speaks once more. "Then let me be frank. I have faith in Kishi and his judgment. There I shall stand by his side until the very end."

"Cut the crap. It's not as-" Kibun stops when Tao looks at him angrily.

"It might be crap, but it's true. So, if Kishi is being suspicious, then I'm going to be the one who will stand by him and prove you all wrong!" Tao said.

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