Strive 42: Reviewing Before Daily #1

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Kibishi's POV


I slowly open the door after showing and brushing my teeth.

"Phew!" I exhale some air. As I opened the door more, I saw Tao, who was about to knock on it. "Ah!" Tao jumps back as her eyes widen while her orange hair bounces a bit.

"Oh, Tao. What's brought you here? I thought you were heading towards the meeting after storming off like that." I said.

"I just wanted to apologize for the way I acted earlier. I also wanted to walk with you to the meeting, too. If that's okay with you, at least." Tao says while scratching the right side of her cheeks.

"Hey, no need to apologize. I would never be mad at you for something like that. Best friends, remember? And you already know my answer to the second bit you just mentioned. Come on, let's go." I say while holding her hand.

"Yes." Tao nodded.

"Hehe! No need to be so formal with me, Tao. You can always talk to me whenever you have something in mind." I smiled at her. I look forward to the hall. "Besides, we got more people to protect! With you by my side, I can do anything!" I honestly say.

"Same," Tao agreed.

"Right? Let's start running to catch up with the others!" I suggested while running with Tao by my side.

Step! Step! Step!

We both ran as fast as we could towards the meeting place.

Operation Center...

"We're here!" We both say in a union. 

The first person to notice us standing was Kuma with a goofy grin "Oooh!~ Oh, hell yeah, fam! My day is starting great! Look at these two lovely people running in here holding hands! Kya!~ I want to take pictures with my phone!~"

"I know, right?!~" Ashely agrees while standing up.

"Settle down, you guys. I-I mean, I totally agree, but we're in a meeting! We can do that later!" Kujira says while blushing.

"Jir, this is a PERFECT moment! There's no retake with these two! *Nosebleed* Quickly, someone hands me my phone from the charger by my room!" Kuma shouted in a very excited way. Kibun walks beside Kuma and wipes her nose with a napkin while looking serious. "There you go again. We got to stop you from reading those romance novels, Akuma. Your nose is bleeding again."

"Hehe!~ They're so friggin' cute!~" Kuma fangirling for some reason while stars were all over her face. 

"*AHEM*" Mato coughed loudly on his fist with the glove on. "Excuse me for interrupting this- "romance" moment, but I would like to start this meeting as soon as possible." 

"S-sorry." Kuma, Kibun, Ashely, Tao, and I apologize at the same time. 

"*Sighs* I've never seen Akuma so relaxed before. Ever since they got here, her playfulness cranks up to a 10. Then again, it was because we had more supernaturals around her age. So, I suppose it's nice seeing this side of her again. Anyway, you two have a seat; the meeting is about to begin." Mato commented.

"Right!" Tao and I commented at the same time.

We both decided to walk to a seat, but then-

"Oh, oh! Sit next to me, you guys!" Kuma says while pointing at Mark and Kibun's seats. "But, um, we're already-"


Kuma, with all of her strength, shoved both Kibun and Mark off of their seats and slammed them into the wall. "Oh, look! Two available seats open up! ~ Two PERFECTLY good seats next to mine! ~ How lucky are you two! ~ We got nice folks in here, am I right?!~ Giving up their seats just for the two of you. Come now, have a seat, y'all." 

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