Strive 37: Struggle

14 1 37

Kibishi's POV

Clash! Clash! Clash!

I heard the girls clashing with the monster from a distance. It wasn't a very far distance, but it was far away enough from danger. Though, I prefer to be in the front to support them all...


Tao rises out of the smoke of the dust cloud and spins her weapon. "Take this!" she aims her sword at the monster "Angel Flames!"

Fwoosh! Fwoosh! Fwoosh!

Tao sends three fireballs, and they hit the monster's face. The beast quickly wiped it off and was about to jump towards Tao.



Kuma punches it in the face with a smirk. "Not so fast!" She shouted.


The monster shakes its head but-

Fwoossh! Fwoossh! Fwoossh!

Three fireballs hit its back. The monster turns around and sees Kujira panting. She slowly leaps away and disappears.

"(The plan is to chop it down as it drains its energy. But it's also tiring them out.)." I thought to myself. I sweat "(No matter how strong they are, they can be tired like any normal human can. What can I do to ease their pain?!)".

Slash! Slash! Slash!

Tao did a three-way slash in front of the monster. This made it gush a lot- and I mean- a lot of blood. She landed and faced it once more. Tao wobbled a bit, and her shoulder was bouncing up and down. I can see it. The way she's moving...

She's tired. We're all tired. We haven't gotten any rest for a while now. That just means that we have to beat it. There's no other option!

Not only that, though...

"*pant* *pant*..." Tao shakily wipes the blood off her face. She slowly sighed as her body was shaking a bit. Tao's at her limit, but she's trying not to show it too much. I can also tell that the amount of bloodshed is causing her to hesitate a bit.


She seems to get used to it...

"Calm mind...calm body. Don't...lose control..." Tao says while closing her eyes, "Everything is fine. He's safe...he's fine. Just keep pushing...keep going, Tao..." She opens her eyes while her heart slowly turns back to normal "Let's do this!" 

Dash! Clash! Clash!

Tao quickly swoops in and clashes her weapon once more with the monster. First, it was the horizontal slash, followed by a vertical one. She then adjusts the grip and swings for his head. The monster, that is. Tao's eyes glow, but she's calm and focused. Her heart isn't losing itself. She's focused. Determine even. She's even confident that she can take control of the battle. "Don't lose the target..." 



The monster slashes at her, but she moves too fast for it. She reappears on the opposite of the battlefield. Tao slowly grips her sword while raising it. "It's almost at its peak. Feel...your strongest emotion. The...strongest...strongest..." 

"Yah!" Kuma screams while raising her weapon behind her head.

Slash! Slash!

Kuma did two slashes. One from the left and one to the right. She was slashing sideways and trying to gain the high ground.

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