Strive 43: The Daily #2 Part 1

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Kibishi's POV

"Alright, we're all good to go!" I say with a grin.

"Indeed!" Tao nodded in agreement. 

"Neat! So, we're all on the same page here, right?" Kuma asked while her left hand was in her jacket and the right was holding the notepad. "First, we're doing the easiest ones, and then we're helping each other with the hardest. What a great idea, Kib!" Kujira praises me. 

"Hehe!" I laughed.

"Also, after the daily, we should visit Jake to check if he's fine after last night's experience," Tao suggested. "Great idea. We put him through a lot. I know he's the one who wanted to come, but I still feel bad for letting some of his friends die by the monster's hand." Kuma says while frowning.

"Even more reason to finish this on time," I said.

"With that being said, we also should check out the entrance while we're doing the daily. I know that it's the safest area around, but we don't know when the creatures will attack." Tao says with a calm expression.

"Mm-hmm! Let's go!" Kuma says while turning around walk ahead with some bounce on her tracks. 

"She seems happy," I say while smiling.

"Of course! We beat a monster, for goodness sake! I'd say that's more than enough reason to jump around and celebrate!" Kijura said.

"Fair point," I said.

"Oh, she's far ahead of us, guys! Let's catch up!" Kujira started to run after Kuma. "Don't be slow!" 

Step! Step! Step!

"Hehe!" Tao giggles.

"What is it?" I ask with a bright smile. "Nothing. It's just that I never thought I would see the day when I get to communicate with anyone else other than you, Kishi. At first, I just wanted to protect you. I only join so I can have somewhere to keep you safe. But now, seeing that Kuma and Jir are having fun makes me smile." 

"Ha, hey, you call her by Kuma's nickname!" I grin widely.

"I-is that bad?" Tao asks shyly.

"Oh no! I'm just glad you're finally opening up to the others. Honestly thought I had to find a way to do so." I explain. "Is that so?" Tao asked. "Of course! Tao, we're not the only ones fighting anymore. We got friends to protect! And I was hoping you could share some time with Kuma and Kujira!   Have some girl time, you know?" I explain.

"Girl...time? What's that?" My curious friend wonders.

"Hmm...not sure. I heard from Kibun that Kuma did want to spend time with you but felt nervous due to us hanging out all the time. So I told him that I doubt you'll mind spending time with her after the daily!" I said.

"But what about you?" Tao asks with a frown.

"I'll be fine! I think I'll visit Mato's office after the daily and then wander about." I say while placing an index finger to the side of my cheeks, "I also have someplace in mind. Hehe, (I want to be alone for today, so this should work! I can start planning my surprise for Tao!) *Blush* yeah, busy!" I say while blushing a bit.

"Kishi?" Tao tilts her head.

"Well, Tao! Time to move! Come on, come on! Follow the girls and spend time with them! I'm right behind you!" I say while pushing her forward with a goofy grin. "W-whoa! O-okay, I can walk myself!" Tao explains while getting her shoes squeaking from me, forcing her to move.

Middle City...

"Huh?! Really?!" Kuma grins with a big blush. "You want to hang out with me and Jir?!" she says while sounding excited.

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