Strive 20: Oh hey, The Tour!

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Kibishi's POV

Kibishi's Room...

I was waiting with Tao who bring back the items for Kuma. Right now, Kuma is getting the final things before we set off.


I look at Tao and then think to myself.



...Okay. Time to do this.

"Hey, Tao. There's something I want to ask you." I began saying.

"What is it, Kishi?" Tao asks while tilting her head.

"About what you said earlier.  About the voices in your head." I said.

Tao frowns "I know. It's weird for you, right? I'm sorry that I creep you out with it.". "Huh?! Oh no, that's not it! I just wanted to ask if they keep telling the negative side of things or if is it just a mixture of things. Like for example, maybe they're telling you that I'm selfish or just a monster for having these powers to listen to people's heartbeats." I say while scratching the side of my cheek.

"Hmm..." Tao stops and thinks to herself. She closes her eyes and then speaks "...Yes, indeed. In fact, they always tell me that you're a cold person who always kills out of hatred and must be slain with my sword."

"...I see." I frown.

"It also mentions that since I'm an angel, I must kill the unholy. At first, I thought I was just turning insane and my mind was just playing tricks on me. But now that I know that I'm this "supernatural being", I suppose it was just advice.  For the greater good and all. Which makes perfect sense since the grim reaper is merciless base on my research a little while ago."

"..." I narrow my eyes in sadness.

"But- I'm not doing that." Tao smiles "There's no way someone as kind as you can be cold or horrible. My instinct and knowledge are telling me to be safe than sorry but my heart says to protect you until the day I die. I won't harm you even if it means for the greater good of humanity. I would've just figured out a way to save you if you suddenly become an enemy."

"Tao..." I smiled "Same with you, too! I told Mato that if you ever in trouble or somehow turn into an enemy I would do whatever it takes to save you."

"Hehe, I figured as much," Tao said.


Kuma comes in with a couple of things in her hand "I'm back, you two!"

"Kuma!" Tao and I say in a union. We both smile at her.  "Wow, you two missed me already?! It's only been an hour, hehe!" Kuma hands us two items "Here you go! Two notepads and some pens. Oh, there are clipboards to hold on to request from the citizens here!"

"Request?" I tilt my head.

"As in, doing whatever job that comes our way?" Tao asked.

"Bingo! Wow, Tao! Is it me or are you getting smarter by the minute?" Kuma asks while grinning. "Well, I have been studying during my free time," Tao mentions while looking at the notepad she received.

"Oh look, it got some pre-request in here, too, Kishi. I think it's on page two." Tao says while turning the page for me.

"I see. "Gathering water from the lower tunnel", "Finding a lost cat near the middle tunnel", "Go get some food from the market"?" I raise my left brow "Is this a to-do list or something? " I asked.

"Seems that way," Tao adds.

"Definitely," Kuma add in her two cents as well.

"So I'm guessing we have to do this before the end of the day, right?" I say while looking at Kuma.

Supernatural Beings: Strive Survivors Vol. 1Where stories live. Discover now