Strive 58: Going Deeper

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Kibishi's POV

Step! Step! Step!

We all reached the "angel statue," where the merged body parts were found. I narrow my eyes in horror as I look closer at the body. Why would the monster do this?

"This is horrifying..." Tao whispers.

"Seeing it up close doesn't make it any better either," Jir commented.

"There's something wrong with this picture here," I said.

"What do you mean?" Tao asked. "For starters, why kill human beings and use their body parts to creature such a creepy statue? I mean, storing some to eat, I can- sort of- understand. But this? This is a bit much and a waste of produce if you ask me."

"But the creatures don't have to eat, Kishi. They can live without any food or water." Tao said.

"That's not true. Remember Tao, the monster, ate to survive the tunnel back there. I'd agree if you meant that they shouldn't imprison humans, but eating and drinking is another thing." I said.

"Hold on for a minute. Forget all of that for one second. Why DID the monster store the humans underground? In the lower tunnel, remember? Those who were trapped under the earth were left alone for a very long time. Why is that?" Jir questioned. "Yeah, you both told us because they want to save a few humans, but that doesn't add up with its actions. Killing a few and then saving some? What was the goal of all of that?" Akuma wonders. "Maybe it was trying to save those who it redeemed worthy for its "perfect world."" I answered.

"Which makes its action even more strange. Why kill the people who are passing by? When Kuma and I were searching with the citizens of Middle City, the monster killed off half of the people." Tao said.

"True..." I said.

"For now, let's look around and-" Kuma profoundly narrowed her eyes. "CREATURES 12 O' CLOCK!" she shouted.

"Kishi! Stay behind me!" Tao says while putting her arm in front of me. 

"Be careful, everyone!" I say while switching my megaphone on, "Megaphone, all set!". I then put on my headphones, followed by turning on my wrist radar. 


Kuma cut its head off and then another one.  A vast creature leaps in the air to jump Kuma. Luckily-


Tao and Jir block it and push it back! Kuma smiles at the two girls. "Tao! Jir! Thank you!" 

"No time to celebrate yet!" Tao said. Jir spins her two spears and aims at the giant creature. "Fire!" 


Fire was cast and hit the creature's face. It roars in pain as it backs up a bit. I looked at my wrist radar since it was suddenly beeping. "What's this? Wait...those are-?!" 

These are the girl's heart rates. This should make it easier to determine which girl is stressing out.  Back to the action, a creature with a human with many hands and a dog body appears in front of the girls. It roars and sends out shock waves.


The girls dodge it, and Tao zooms towards it and-



-Split it in half. The body made a loud noise as soon as it touched the ground. I look at the wrist radar, then blink. I nodded and aimed the megaphone towards Tao. "Here you go, Tao!" 

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