Strive 13: Tao Is Tao.

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Kibishi's POV

"Kishi must be so frightened by the way I attack just now! *sniff* I wanted to stop and just run; I REALLY DID! But the sight of Kishi being hurt just made me snap! I'm a monster and a freak who deserve to be alone for the rest of her life! If that's what Kishi wants, then I'll just rot here with this corpse with me! His eyes tell me all! I can see the fear in them! Of how much of a monster I am! And to tell you the truth, it hurts! *Hic* *Hic* It hurts a lot to see him in fear because of me! It's like...I'll be abandoned once again! Just like last time! Being abandoned for not being normal! For not satisfying him at all! *Sniff* I don't deserve his care! I don't deserve his warm hugs! I don't even deserve his presence either!" Tao lowers herself even more "I'm nothing more than a scum under the earth! I deserve to die! *Sniff* *sniff*"

"...." I was at a loss for words...

Tao shakes her head "All I wanted was to make sure that Kishi is safe! To be there for him so he can have a shoulder to rest on. *Hic* *Hic*That's all I always wanted in life. But all I do is hurt and cause destruction. Nobody will ever love me! No one will ever care for me because of my stupid mistakes! I...I...!"

"Tao..." I frown.

", I didn't know you were this emotional. I know you care for him to a point, but I didn't know it was like that. If I knew I would've called it off and just explain things with Kibun." Akuma states.

"Come on, Tao. You must be tired- argh!" I held my chest.

"I don't deserve his kindness! I should just kill myself right now! I should kill...kill...KILLL!!!!"

That's...Tao's voice!

Is it...inside of my head?! It's her thoughts!

I held my head in pain "Argghhh!!!!! ARRGGGHHH!!!!"

"Kibi, what now?! Why is everything going wrong?! Why is everyone suffering tonight?!" Akuma complains. I felt my body heating up, burning from what I can tell rage and sadness. It''s Tao-!

"Argghh!!! AAAAAHHHHHHH!!" Tao screams in pain.

Tao's emotions. It's running wild! It's all over the place inside of my head! Argh...Tao!

"Tao! Now what?!" Akuma looks at her device and her expression changes to despair "Oh. Shit."

Akuma suddenly grabs a hold of me in fear "KIBI, WE NEED TO GET THE FUCK OUT OF HERE!"

"What, why?!" I asked.

"Tao is about to trigger that other form I mention before! We need to run now!" Akua panics. The trigger. I was thinking about it as well when Akuma and Tao were fighting the monster. I do have questions about it but now is not the time. I yank my hand away and stand my ground "Not without Tao! I can't just leave like this!"

"Are you stupid? Tao is gone! That thing is now a monster!" Akuma says coldly.

"How can you say that about Tao?! I thought we were friends, Kuma!" I held my chest "Tao is someone I need in my life! I won't run away!"

"Kibi..." Akuma whispers "I know you and Tao have a very deep and meaningful connection but- Tao is gone..."

"I refuse to believe you! I won't listen!" I turn around "Tao is Tao! She's no monster like you say she is!"

With that said, I quickly ran away from Akuma. I refuse to believe it! Tao is Tao! I don't care what anyone says about her! She's, my friend! I won't abandon her!

The next thing I know-

A huge blast of aura arose from Tao's body. It was beaming upwards and blasting through the upper part of the tunnel. I get sent back a bit by the power from Tao's body. I stomp a bit and try to move forward "TAO! TAAAOOOOO!!!!" I screamed out for my friend.

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