Strive 67: It's Coming!!

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Kibishi's POV

"Not here. What about you, Kuma?" Jir asks while bending her knees to the floor while lifting a long wood.

"No, nothing," Kuma says in disappointment.

"Hmm..." I look at the stage. "How about the stage? We look around it but never move anything, right? Let's give it a go." I suggested. 

Step! Step! Step!

Movements later, we all made it towards the stage and started searching. Kuma was moving some chairs while Jir was spreading the curtains sheet by the window.

I was looking at flow while on all four. I was tapping the red mat on the stage with a cold sweat. "(We can't afford to miss anything. We have to be thorough. I have to do this for Tao and the other sakes. We have to get out of the first layer!) Mm!" I nodded to myself. Before I continue to search-

"Kishi." A knowledgeable voice calls out to me. I looked to my left and saw Tao on all four, with a worried expression. "You're not tired,  right? It's been a few hours since our search. I know that you had your sleep, but we've been at it for another hour or so. Don't overdo it, please..." she says scaredly.

"Don't worry, I'm fine, Tao." I straightened my body but was now on my knees. "Come on, let's finish this mission so we can go home and get you to bed!"

"There you again. I wanted you to rest, not me." Tao says with a puffy face.

I place my hands on my waist with a semi-worried expression. "That's no good, Tao! You need to rest, too!"

"What's the big deal? You're the one who needs it the most. I don't sleep at all, anyway. I only need 3 hours if it means protecting you from harm." Tao state.

"*Sighs* What am I going to do with you? " I frown.

I go on all four again. "Come on, let's find the path so you can go to bed, silly!"

"You mean so that you can rest," Tao states while looking at the floor. Oh boy, she's always like this. When will she learn to take care of her own body? I'm starting to get scared over here. Tao needs to rest. But we can't sleep now. We must find a way to open the path or even a weakness for that monster.

"Let's see..." I look at the wooden stand they use when they preach or something and look around it. " about..." I grab each end of the wooden stand and move it a little.



We all looked at the center of the church and saw something slowly rising from the ground. Soon, it stopped, and we saw a stone pillar with a critical-shaped hole around it.

"Ah! There!" I shouted.

We all ran towards the pillar with great speed.

Once we all reach the pillar, our eyes wide in awe. "A pillar. And look," I point at the keyhole, "This one shape is like Tao's bracelet!"

"Another one?" Kuma whispers.

"Huh. Well then, give it a go, Tao. Put the wing from the bracelet inside of the keyhole." Jir suggested.

"Okay," Tao nodded.

Tao walks closer and slowly takes the bracelet off her left wrist. She stares at it and gives a gentle smile. "Please be the hidden switch to get out of the place." Tao holds the bracelet to her chest and whispers, "For Kishi and the other's sake. Please, please, let this be the final thing we need to unlock the second layer.". Tao brings the bracelet to her face, and she kisses it. "I pray for our success. Amen."

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