Strive 25: Come Back!

11 1 51

Kibishi's POV

Founder Office...


I slowly open the doors. Kibun was already there, waiting for me.

Everyone else was there as well. Right, it's show time. "Thanks for having me," I say while walking towards a seat in front of me.

"Welcome, Kibishi. I'm so glad that you can make it." The founder says with a gentle smile.

"No worries. Thank you for inviting me." I said.

"Yo, Kish. How are you tonight? Feeling better?" Ashely asked.

"I'm fine," I said.

"Good, good." Mato takes out some paperwork "It's time we talk and continue where we left off from the last meeting! Which was tonight, you know!" 

"Wait, there's more?" I had a surprised expression "I thought you had done with all of the explainings from tonight's meeting? Why didn't you say more with Tao and Kuma? They have the right to know as much as I do! Heck, even more!"

"Calm down, Kibishi. Don't get emotional." The founder says.

"The more upset you are, the more likely you transforming into your "true" self. And frankly, this kind version of you is the one that's been saved thanks to the love and comfort of life. Despite you and Tao getting hell afterward." Kibun said.

"My true self- no, I don't believe that! I won't transform! I won't let my grim reaper side take over me!" I held my chest "As long as Tao's warmth is inside of me, I won't give in to my inner demon!"

"Okay then, what if we told you that Taogeta was found dead," Kibun said.

The room went silent...







"What...the hell you say?" my mouth moves on its own.

"What if we call you to hear just to tell you the bad news? How would you react?" Kibun asked.

"..." I narrow my eyes. He's lying. There's no way that-!

I know! I'll call off his bluff. "Tao has Kuma by her side. There's no way that-"

"Akuma just return a while ago. Was pretty shook at the fact that Taogeta's body was unrecognizable and such. Man..." Kibun frown "She even calls out your name out of desperation." 


My left hand slowly reaches but I stop it. I swallow and then laugh nervously with my eyes turning dull "S-stop playing around. You know how sensitive I am w-when it comes to Tao! B-besides, i-if that's the case then I'm sure Tao w-would call me with this thing here!" 

My left hand was shaking. My eyes shook in fear "L-let's just stop this nonsense already! Look, I'll even prove it by listening to your heart! No one can get past that one-" 


"...H...H-huh?" I sweat with despair.

Kibun's heart. It's...not lying? no, I must be slacking! I know I say some nonsense about leaving me alone. But this is important. VERY important to me!

Bu-bump! Bu-bump!

Supernatural Beings: Strive Survivors Vol. 1Where stories live. Discover now