Strive 49: One Shot!

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Kibishi's POV


Tao, Kuma, Jir, and I teleported near the area where the secret base of The Monster was.

Everyone got out in a union and looked around the area.

"*Grunts*" Kuma narrow her eyes in anger. "There are more creatures than before. It looks like Tao was right. Luckily,  they haven't messed with the teleporter thanks to the anti-creature installation."

"This what I was afraid of..." Tao says softly. "The monster was the main reason they all mind their own business.  But now that the monster is gone, they are roaming freely," she explains with a sad expression.

"So what do we do? We were assigned to explore the place. But we can't afford to make Kib stress out. Any ideas, gang?" Jir asked.

"Hmm..." the three girls wonder for a bit.

I blinked.

Well, they seem to be the weaker types, I assume. Sure, they had harmed me from the beginning, but with these super codes, I'm sure I could easily tank the hits.

"Well, no use complaining right now. Come on, guys, let's go in." I say with confidence.

"But what about your stress? I don't want to stress you out if I somehow lose control." Tao worries.

"We just need to head straight, is all. As long as you guys can one-shot these creatures, then everything will be okay! Also, we got my megaphone here, so if I see any of you transforming, then I'll use it in a heartbeat. Literally, ha." I said.

"But there's too many of them," Tao said.

"True," I place my right hand under my chin. "But...OH! Kuma!" I shouted out of excitement. 

"W-what?!" Kuma panics.

"*frown* S-sorry. I didn't mean to scare you like that. I got a little excited there for a second. Anyway, *smile* let's use the anti-creature thing! What if we have some spray for them?  Then, maybe, it'll only have so many creatures in our way! And with that,"

"We can get by then without wasting too much energy! I was just thinking that!" Tao finished my sentence for me.

"Hehe, genius minds think alike! Although, I got that from you thinking, "Isn't there a way to drive them away? Like some kind of bug spray?". Man, you're so smart, Tao!" I compliment my best friend.

"Well, you say it first, so you're the smart one here," Tao said.

"Nah! I just got that idea based on your thought process. You should speak your mind more, Tao! Your mind is brilliant!" I said.

"Kishi..." Tao blushes.

"So, we just need to make a temp version right now. Let's see..." I dig into my leg yellow bag and take out a small cube. "This cube was meant to store the meds for me. But what if I drain the meds and add in my heart wave in here and throw it to them!"

"That's high-tech, Kib. There's no way you can-" Jir stops mid-sentence when Tao walks in front of her and offer her left hand. "Let me see that cube for a second, Kishi."

"Hmm? Oh, sure." I nodded, then handed her the cube. Tao slowly turned it upside down. "Ah, as I thought. There's a hatch that has the computer for absorbing and releasing the meds."


Tao sat down on the floor. She quickly grabs a tool from her thigh-yellow bag. Seems like some sort of knife? Not entirely sure myself.  "Let me send the meds towards Kishi's radar first..."

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