Strive 9: A Short Break.

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Last time on Cho shizen-tekina sonazai

Our heroes manage to get some of their questions answered. On the other hand, something about the way Akuma goes by them made Kibishi a bit worried when his childhood decided to help out Akuma herself.

Kibishi also receives a strange feeling after Taogeta killed a creature for the first time.

What could all of this mean?

What's going to happen next?

Kibishi's POV

I lower my head in sadness. I mean- why wouldn't I?

My best friend just kill for the first time in her life. Well, second time but this time it's on purpose.  And to make matters worse, when she kill it, I could hear her heart beating fast. The minute the blood went on her skin, the minute you can hear a scream from inside of her brain.

Her emotion is sort of hard to not notice by her heartbeat.

Every single beat of her heart represents something. Or, at least that's how I imagine it to be.

Regardless, I can't shake that feeling of discomfort and uneasiness. I wonder-


"Huh?!" I notice Tao going on one knee and panting a bit. "Tao?!"

"*Pant* *pant* *pant*" Tao held her chest a bit "S-sorry. I'm just a bit...restless right now."

"Not good! You got to listen to my heartbeat- wait, we can't now!" I put on a serious look "Then, let me give you a piggyback ride! Hurry!"

"N-no!  I'm fine!" Tao quickly stands up while holding her chest. "I can handle a little chest pain, Kishi."


"Let's keep going- huh?!" Tao looks at me when I stop in my tracks. "Kishi...?"

"Grr..." I grunted.

"Hey, stop that. *smile* I'll stop when it's too much, okay?" Tao said.

"Hey, what's the holdup, you guys?" Aluma asks while walking towards us.

"Akuma. Tao is tired and can't walk properly. I'm gonna give her a piggyback ride for a bit. So she can rest." I stated.

"N-no, it's fine- w-wah!" Tao panics when I lift Tao to give her a piggyback ride. I made Tao jump a bit while I adjust her body to make her comfortable. "*Blushing* Kishi! What are you-?"

"I'm not putting you down until we reach our destination. Whatever that is." I said.

"Kishi!" Tao calls out my name.

"Hmph! You'll have to do all of the fighting, Akuma! I'm sorry but Tao's health is more important than mine!" I firmly stated while I blow steam out of my nose. Akuma sweats " about I take a look at Taogeta before we move on instead....?"

"O-oh, that's a better idea..."  I said.

Akuma closes her eyes and chuckles nervously as well did Tao.

One of the people with Akuma runs towards us and salutes her. It reveals to be a man in his 20s with purple and black pattern clothing "Akuma! Kibun is ordering us to return with you asap! What are you going to do?!" 

"Yeah yeah, just tell him I'm doing an important mission or something, George. Take the safe shortcut and asks Moto to send you some creature repellant to drive them away from the prisoners. " Akuma waves at the man as a way of saying "Go away.". "Yes, ma'am! But what about the "you know what"?"

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