Strive 50: Looking Closer

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Yo! I just want to say that I'm so glad I wrote over fifty chapters of this wonderful story. Here's hoping for another fifty chapters, which will make one hundred! Anyway, back to the chapter!

Kibishi's POV

Step! Step! Step!

The four of us made it toward the deeper end of the monster's hideout.

I looked around and saw the dry blood of its victims. Luckily, there's no creature here, so that we can take a bit of a breather.

Tao, on the other hand, seems to be a bit quiet ever since we notice her movement to be a bit fast. I hope she's not thinking too hard about it since she didn't lose any control. What can I do to ease her pain?

"Hmm...still nothing," Kuma commented.

"Indeed..." Jir says while frowning.

"But we can't give up now. Let's explore the room for a bit before calling it quits." I say with a small smile.

For some reason, I'm feeling a bit more confident by the day. Well, not cocky like Kuma but a bit braver. Though, I doubt I will change that much. Maybe around these three, I feel a bit more comfortable.

Maybe that's it.

...Huh, not sure.


I can't lose focus.

"Hey, Tao?" I called out to my friend.

"..." Tao seems to be lost in her thought.

Bu-bump! Bu-bump!

"Hmm..." I blinked. Well, I don't want to listen to her heart, but she seems bothered by something. Maybe figuring that out will help her.


....I listen in.

"(I wonder if I did the right thing? My mind just snapped, and my body moved on its own. Is this a sign of a change, or is it just me losing myself? I don't want Kishi freaking out on me. Keep it together, Taogeta. But what he-)."

...She's worried about me judging her. Tao? Out of all people?

I'd admit, what she had done DID worry me. But that won't be enough to freak me out like that. Tao is Tao, after all. I gently smile. "Tao, don't worry about it. I won't run away or leave your side."

"H-huh? How did you-O-oh..." Tao looks away in shame.

"Yeah, sorry. I didn't mean to, but your mind was wondering, so I just wanted to make sure that you're alright." I explain with a frown.

"So he can read minds!" Jir says in shock.

"More like reading people's hearts! Sound like a fun game idea! You know, when you can read people's hearts and be the one to save many?" Kuma smirks as she says that. "Anyway, it looks like Tao has a lot on her mind. But Tao, as much as it pains me to say it, you have to be focused on the mission at hand." Kuma explains with a severe expression.

"I know, but..." Tao narrows her eyes in sadness.

"Think of it this way," I raise my index finger. "You may have acted strange, but you didn't lose control. It's like me when I speak out loud without my awareness. Also, even if you were acting strange, I won't let that get to me. I would've figured out a way to solve it either way. So don't worry about it, you hear?" I say while walking closer to Tao.

"Kishi..." She whispers my name.

Pat! Pat!

I patted Tao's orange hair. "Right, right. Now help us by using that brilliant brain of yours!" I say, along with a laugh at the end.

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