Strive 21: Oh Dear, The Tour...

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Kibishi's POV

"..." I'm still lost. What did I do wrong? 

"..." Tao is just looking straight without even talking to me. 

"..." Kuma sweats while her hands are in the jacket. "Wow, it's a bit quiet, huh? Normally you two would be chatting behind me or something." 

"..." I remain silent. Isn't there a way to break the ice? Hmm...







...No use. She's not talking to me. I don't like this silent treatment at all. I have to think of something. 

"..." I was about to open my mouth but nothing came out.







"..." I look at the ground "...I'm sorry. I must've upset you, Tao." I look at Tao "I don't know what to do. I don't know why you're upset."

"Hmm?" Tao look at me.

"But even so..." I put a  on serious expression " Even so...! I'll do my best to make it up to you! What do you want? Want to take showers again?! Cuddle up together tonight?! You name it and I'll do it! I'll do anything for you!"

"W-whoa!" Tao stops and rests both hands on my shoulders "C-calm down now. That's a bit much, don't you think? We can't break the rules, remember?"

"I'll do it! Anything for you, Tao!" I say while my eyes burning with passion.

"*Gasps*" Tao's face turns red "Let's c-calm down for a second! It seems like we got a huge misunderstanding!" she says while letting go. Tao rub her hands together cutely "I wasn't even mad in the first place. I was j-just thinking hard on how to do the mission tonight, K-Kishi!" 

"Eh?! But you say "dummy" while being sad at me, though!" I said.

"Yeah! Weren't you sad about Kishi "flirting" with Ashely a while ago?" Kuma says while looking at Tao.

"Oh, I know Kishi didn't mean anything. I called myself a "dummy" for daydreaming. I sort lost in my train of thought sometimes. I even got tunnel vision whenever I think about something really important to me." Tao mentions.

"Which is...?" I tilt my head.

"Hehe," Tao came closer and touch the side of my left cheek "For your safety of course! I'm planning out everything so that I can minus the damage as possible for you!" 

"Ooh..." I blush.

"Well then, let's go!" Tao let go of my face and walk ahead of me and Kuma. I touch my face once more and then shake my head. What was I thinking? Of course, she wouldn't have a problem.

"Damn..." Kuma smiles "Dude, how did you do it?!" 

"Huh?!" I widen my eyes in shock.

"You got her wrapped under your little fingers, Kibi! Way a go!" Kuma cheers. "But she say that she wasn't mad," I said. 

"Oh no, she really was mad at you." Kuma sweats with a small smile "No, more like...a bit jealous, hehe..."

"..." I blinked.

Supernatural Beings: Strive Survivors Vol. 1Where stories live. Discover now