Strive 47: The Devil's Body Parts?!

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Kibishi's POV

"Right." I nodded to myself.

I put on my headphones around my neck, put the megaphone on my holder strap, which was attached to my left leg, stretch the sleeveless gloves, adjust the heart radar and my wrist radar, and finally, change the new device, which is called "The Heart Jumper." It allows me to restart my heart if anything goes wrong.

"It's time to set out and explore the lower tunnel one last time. Then- we're heading towards the upper tunnel area." I said.

I put on my necklace and fixed the collar of my purple jacket while looking in the mirror.

That's right, Kibishi. Tonight, you'll apologize to Tao and make it right! Then- I can focus on the mission without anything to worry about. I still have questions about the thing I saw the other night with the monster. I wonder what that means?

"The moon will bleed hard tonight. The sun was satisfied with the bloodshed during the day." my mouth moved on its own. Wait, why did I say that for? Wait, it's not because I thought that! I heard someone else's heart and repeated it! Wait...Kibun?!

I lean on the wall and listen in out of instinct.

"Remember, Akuma. Don't let your feeling towards those two get to you. After all, once we send the troops to scout with you three, you'll have to report in exactly one hour." Kibun mentions the other side of the wall.

"But, Dad, I want to express my feelings again. It's been a while since I did that. These past two years have been a bummer. Many people died for the sake of our search for the other supernaturals. I don't want Kibi or Tao to share the same faith." Kuma says in a sad tone.

"We have to do what we must to survive, Akuma. I'm sorry, but we must work extra- including those two. I'm sorry once again." Kibun says in a sad voice.

"Then...let me take in the tough work! We can't just let them take the fall like that!" Kuma says with determination.

"What, no!" Kibun shouted in panic.

"Why not?!" Kuma shouted.

"Because- *Sighs* Look, you're the only daughter I have left, okay? I don't want you to get in harm's way more than you need to. Listen, I'm not saying to use them as tools, but let them hold their own. Tell you what, I'll make some adjustments for Kibishi's weapon when we do the meeting. That way, he can calm you guys down and not transform into your true selves." Kibun is making a deal with Kuma.

"..." Kuma grunted. "...I just want all of us to make it out alive. We haven't run into any of the devil's body parts yet, but once the moon fully bleeds, any part of his body will spring into action and judge us based on which side satisfied them." Kuma mentions.

"Wha- mm!" I was about to shout, but someone's hand covered my mouth. I looked back and saw Tao with a severe expression. "(Tao?!)" I thought. I saw Tao leaning against the wall and listening in with me.

"Yeah, scary stuff. No one knows where it comes from. It just spring into action and kills whatever it feels like killing. Lucky, this city has a seal that the previous people of H.U.M.A.N.I.T.Y. put up in order to cast it away." Kibun sighs after that.

"The devil's body parts attacking people and creatures? I never heard of that before. What causes them to act up, I wonder?" Tao whispers while thinking to herself afterward.

"Well, there's nothing we can do to stop it. I am working on how to "control" the way it reacts, but that in itself is "hope." There's no logical reason for them to listen to us. Once you hear his roar, you'll know when they're coming to attack. Come on, let's head towards the meeting, Kuma." Kibun said.

"Right." Kuma agreed.

Tao slowly let go of my mouth, and I could breathe again.

"*Inhale* *cough* *cough*" I was covering my mouth while coughing up a lot. I saw Tao's hand offering me some water. "Here," she said.

"T-thank you..." I say while taking the glass of water.

"The devil's body parts? What's the meaning of this? Why are they mentioning his name?" Tao says angrily. "I heard about him, but I never thought he existed in this world," I say, then take a sip of the water. "If he does exist, that would explain a lot of things. Not all of it, but most of it. Like for example, it could explain how the creature could look like a mixture of many things such as plants and animals along with humans."

"Maybe. But what's he doing while people like Kibun and the others killing his creation? Wouldn't he be upset or anything?" I wonder.

"Right..." Tao closes her eyes. "'s like what the monster says about "God." Maybe it's connected to the "Devil" as well. But something doesn't seem right to me. If they both exist in this world, then something has to happen. If not, then there's more to it than it seems."

"Like- maybe someone imprisoning them so they can do the person's bidding?" I wonder.

"Impossible. Believe it or not, no human creation can hold divine beings. You have to be a god yourself to capture some. Otherwise, it wouldn't make sense at all. I guess that maybe "God" and the "Devil" are some creatures that evolve from killing many other weaker creatures. The strict rules over the weak and whatnot." Tao explains.

"Hmm... like how you're an angel but just a human with angel powers?" I asked.

"Exactly. Maybe the creatures and we are connected more than we thought. And that would lead to another connection which is the monsters. But we have never seen the devil's body parts before. So maybe that on itself isn't real." Tao said.

"If the monster says that "God," told him to make his territory bigger, then I don't think it's false. With them talking about the "Devil," I mean." I explained.

"Something about talking about them makes me shiver down to my spin. Could it be because I'm an angel supernatural?" Tao wonders.

"Maybe. But don't worry; I'll protect you if you ever become afraid. I'll be there for you, Tao, promise." I said.


"Oh," I smiled, "I'm sorry for being thoughtless this afternoon. I wasn't myself and let things get the best of me!" I apologized.

"N-no, it's fine! I should've been a bit more careful and not just jumped towards you excitedly. It's just that- it's been a while since we were separated, you know?" Tao says with a cute blush. "Haha, I see. Well then, as a punishment, for the both of us, I mean,"

I walked closer to Tao and then patted her orange hair. "We both won't hold hands, cuddle, or even listen to each other's heartbeat for a week! How does that sound?!".

"W-what?! *Blush like mad* Can't I just get my hands slam into a spike wall or something?! M-maybe if I just work extra hard for the b-both of us! Please, anything but those, Kishi!" Tao whines.

"Haha, nope! That's what we get for letting our emotions get the better of us!" I say with a smile. "Oh, and I'm making it two weeks for those comments there- just now."

"Damn it! Fuuu!~ This is the worse day ever!~" Tao whines with tears in her eyes. It hurts, but- she's not "sad" like before. Tao was just disappointed in herself for slipping up. I patted my sad friend and chuckled. "Right, right. Let's go, Tao. We can figure something out about the information we just heard.

"...No cuddles, no hand holding. It's like I'm being tortured all over again. I rather face the monster and get beat up than suffer this painful punishment..." Tao whispers while trying not to cry but failing..."

"Hehe!" I laughed.

"How about-"

"No. We're not holding hands on the way out, Tao." I say firmly.

"Goddamn, it..." Tao lowers her head while dragging her legs towards my door. Sorry, Tao, we can't afford to go back on this. At least now, we can mainly focus on the mission.

To Be Continued...

This chapter was short, but the next one should be regular. I don't want to force anything if I don't have to. I want to make this as enjoyable as possible.

Anyway, I'll see you all in the next chapter. Later!

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