Strive 1: The light Within The Dark

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Narrator's POV


The city was on fire, and the people, that survive that horrible fate, ends up being found and captured...

A small little girl was shaking by a trash can. Her eyes were full of tears...her orange hair is all dirty and messed up, in despair that everyone she saw got slaughtered by those creatures...those monsters...

The city had fallen into ruins...the creatures are looking for those that survive the attack. The little girl couldn't handle the pressure anymore. She doesn't know what to do...she was hungry, cold, and even tired. But if she tries to do anything, the creatures might attack and kill her...

"I'm scared. What am I going to do now? *Hic* *Hic* I don't want to die...! *Close eyes*I don't want to die...! I don't...! *Hic* *Sniff* " the little girl said in a scared voice.

Then, her little belly grumbles in hunger..." *Gasp* *Eyes shaking*"


All of a sudden-

A creature slams the trash away and startled the little girl. The girl looks at the creature with fright. Too paralyzed to move or even to take action.

The creature's face looks like a spider with sharp horns, sharp teeth, a long antenna, and brown fur. Its red ruby eyes beam at the girl's helpless face. It blinks like a chameleon, and breaths like a demonic horse. It even got goat-like legs- all eight of them. Finally, it got claws like a bear. It got sharp nails that look like drills.

"! No no, I-I don't want to...! *Tearing up*" The girl backs away slowly. The creature moves closer and closer. A trail of drool slips out of its mouth while sharpening its claws to rip apart the young girl.

it looks like she'll die right there and then. There is no hope, no way out of this hell. Nothing will save her from her fate...


Tap! Tap!

Small footsteps were heard from the distance...

The creature raises its claw to cut her open like a bottle. The girl slowly tried to cover herself from the blow even though it was pointless. No one can survive this hit. No human can survive its slice...

" *Pant* *Pant*" a voice pants in fear. Their small toes were hurt and wounded; they fell a bit before continuing to run while they reach out their hand.

"RRRRRRRRAAAWWWWWRRR!!!!!!!!!" The creature goes for the kill as the girl covers her eyes with tears in her eyes "NNNNOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!"

"Watch out!" A very young male voice shouted out of nowhere...


"H-huh?" the girl reacted to the person's surprise hug...


"*Gasp*" the girl gasped in shock. Blood was dripping. Some even got caught in her face. It wasn't hers, but someone else's. The person who saves her. The person who takes damage for her. That person was a little boy with red hair and long sleeve shirt which had some tears on it. His back was gushing out blood...

"*Cough up blood* G-g...good. *Smile* I...I...I made it in...time..." the boy says in a very weak voice. His body slowly tips over and-


The little boy's body was pouring out a lot of blood. "H-h...huh? *shaking in fear*..." The girl's eye is shaking like crazy, seeing all of this blood coming out of his body/

The creature was shocked at this and sniff the boy's blood, It then runs away for some reason. The little girl was watching the boy still, that was bleeding to death...covering her mouth in fright

"Oh, my god. No... not again...why do you always..." The little girl then decided to help the boy sit up. She then had an angry look on her face all of a sudden.

"Dummy. Dummy, dummy, dummy! Why did you take that blow for me?! I thought I told you to stop following me! And look at you now! What's the point of all of that?! Don't you value your own life?! Why waste it for someone like me?!" the girl yelled at him. The boy just smiled at the girl.

"You're...okay. G-good...I'm glad...that I you...from bullies...once again...*Cough up blood*" The boy whimpered in pain as the girl suddenly had a surprised look on her face.

"W-why? Why go this far just for me? I-... we barely know each other and... we're not even why? I don't get it at all?" The girl questioned the boy about his action.

The boy just chuckles and speaks to the girl "I... I want friends...with you...I... don't...want be alone...anymore... every day, I see you crying alone. I couldn't...take it anymore...that was just too sad to watch for...someone like be crying like...that. So please...". The boy slowly touches the girl's face and speaks again "Let's be...friends...that won'*Close eyes*"

"*Blush*no one had ever- *Shock* H-huh? H-hey! Are you okay?! Hey! You're not moving! HEY-!" the little girl says in fright.


"Huh?! What's this-!" The girl's neck, arms, and legs were surrounded by chains. She then looks up and saw a human-like figure...

"Ah, perfect. Round those two up, *Looks at the boy* and make sure you give that boy special attention. Don't let him lose too much blood now. If he's losing blood, that'll be because of me...hehehe..."

The boy and girl get carried by a buff creature with chains surrounding them...the girl struggles to break free, but couldn't...

" Hey! No, Let go! Let go of him! He's hurt! No! No no no!" The girl speaks with a worried tone in her voice. It took a while, but she feels like she could trust him. After all of those time, he tried to talk to her, be friendly with her, trying to cheer her up, but she keeps pushing him away for his own good. And now, she's regretting not knowing who he was and what's his name...she didn't even thank him for saving her life...

"No! No no no, let go of him! He's hurt! I can't just leave him like that!" The girl screams at top of her lungs. There was something he said to her...something that made her realize that the little boy was something else...someone...who she can rely on..." Noooo!!!!!" she cried out loud...

Time had passed, since the destruction of the city...

chains were heard from the underground...things are about to be dark....and the story has just begun...

To Be Continued...

Supernatural Beings: Strive Survivors Vol. 1Where stories live. Discover now