Strive 34: Discovering

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Kibishi's POV

"The other side, huh?" I said.

"Seems like making noises out here didn't bother it at all," Tao says while putting her right hand under her chin.

"Meaning that its main concern is the food supply," Kujira says with an annoyed expression.

"Scum!" Kuma curse in anger.

"Regardless, I don't sense it anymore. It just moves somewhere." I said.

"Right. The intense aura has left the whole battling to the other creatures." Tao confirms my feeling. "So that means we're in the clear for now." Kuma smiles. "Let's sneak in and be careful, everyone! "

Step! Step! Step!

You can hear our footsteps in this dark area. I can see blood painting the walls. Skulls all over the place. I can also see dead creatures all over the floor, walls, and even the roof.

I narrow my eyes in sadness.

I saw Kuma with her hands in her jacket, looking severe suddenly.  Kujira was a bit nervous but resolved and followed behind Kuma. Tao and I were walking next to each other. Kuma, leading the way, looks behind and speaks, "There's nothing we can do for the dead. If there's a way, then I would've done it already. Once someone's dead, we can't bring them back to life. You would need a miracle for that to happen."

"I just wish we could save those people from getting killed..." I say while holding my headphone.

"..." Tao remains silent.

I looked around and saw something in the corner of my eye. I stop and turn away for a bit. This made Tao raise her brows. "Kishi?"

"You all go on ahead. I'll be fine, don't worry. Just spot something in the corner." I say with a smile.

"I won't leave you. I'm coming along as well." Tao says with a determined expression. "I see," I nodded. "Sure, come on!"

Step! Step!

Kuma and Kujira noticed us walking away and made Kuma speak up. "What's up?" she asked.

"Just notice something," I said.

Once we walk more, I bend down and grab the thing. It seems like a piece of paper. "What's this?" I asked.

I began reading it.

"It seems like each monster has hideouts throughout the layers. It kills and kills without any remorse.  It's collecting heads and devouring it as it's a meal. The creature of this area is ruthless and roams around whenever it's hungry. It's saving the prisoners as a secret snack department in case the food runs out and dies."

"I follow it, wondering why it was doing it. And why it's being careful when picking their food? It kills many but leaves the ones it's afraid of. The children that it leaves scare it. Worried that if it devours it, it might be fatal. Course, it's just a theory of mine."

"The time is nigh. I have to continue this research to find an understanding of it. Why does it speak to certain children? Who's the leader?"

"Why does it...want to be king? I'll do more research and restore humanity! This, I swear!"

" "Signed- Adam."?" I raise both brows "Children? Why was it speaking to certain children?" I wondered.

"Adam? Like the first human who walks on earth?" Tao asked.

"I don't know. And how did you know that?" I asked.

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