Strive 32.5 Part 1: Tao's Event #1

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Kibishi's POV

I still got time before we have to finish off the mission. After that mini-workout session I did, I think I'll hang out with someone.

"Let's see..." I blink.

"I was with Mato and Kibun just now, so I do not need to return. Perhaps I'll talk to Tao for a bit. It's a bit of a minute since we last talked to each other alone." I smile. "Yeah, I'll head to her room now."

Step! Step! Step!

A few walks later...

I made it to her room. Tao's room, huh? I can't believe I'm getting a bit nervous over this, heh. "I wonder if she's in there, though? Maybe I'll come back and-"

"Kishi?" I heard a familiar voice. 

"Whoa!" I quickly turn around and lean against the door in fright. I blinked and saw Tao, who was tilting her head cutely. "Kishi?" 

"Oh, it's only you, Tao." I blush a bit "S-sorry about that, ehehe. You surprise me, is all."

"Oh, I'm sorry. I just heard your voice while walking toward your room." Tao says while frowning. "Oh? You were heading to my room?" I asked.

"Yup," Tao nodded.

"Huh." I blink. I see. I guessed we do think alike when it comes to each other. I suppose it shouldn't be surprising due to how much has happened. We both panic and freak out over simple little things. We both were reckless. We both share the desire to protect one another. I can understand where Tao is coming from most of the time. It's why we're best friends, even after all the trials and tribulations. 

"That said, are you okay? Ah!" we both speak in a union.

Tao slowly chuckles and waves her hand. "Why don't you go first, Kishi?" 

"Oh no, after you!" I suggested.

"No, you go first!" Tao suggested.

"By all means, you go first! Ladies first, after all!" I smile.

"No, no, you're the one who came to see me, so you go first!" Tao smiles at me.

"..." I stare at Tao with a straight face.

"..." Tao stare at me with a straight face as well.

Oh boy...

"Ahaha...there we go away. Putting each other first than ourselves..." I say while sweating a bit.

"W-why don't we head to my room and finish our conversion? I got refreshments and some snacks there as well." Tao suggested. "Sure!" I nodded. "After you, Kishi," Tao says while smiling. 


Tao's Room...

I open the door, and we both enter the room. Now that I look at it, the room seems a bit nicer! Though, her clothes are all over the place...

There are books all over as well! Hmm...

"What's wrong?" Tao asked.

"Um, Tao?" I blush and point at some clothing. "Why aren't you putting away your clothes? And why is there a bra on top of this pile here?" I asked.

"Oh, that." Tao blinks with a curious expression. "Well, cleaning up is a bit of a hassle, and I think I have a system to make things easier to find stuff. As for the bra, I was supposed to wear it while changing...hmm..." She place her hand under her chin with a worried expression. "Is that why my chest isn't growing?"

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