Strive 72: Humanity First Victory

14 1 36

Kibishi's Pov

It took a few moments, but the area started to fade back to normal and not white anymore. I slowly lower my left arm to block my face from the impact of the blast from earlier. 

I slowly blinked and saw Tao and Kuma standing there while turning back to normal.

Jir slowly wobbles in the air before falling near a bolder. She bounces on it, then falls on the floor face first. The smoke from the wall slowly started to fade away. Once the smoke cleared up, you can see the giant hole that was made from the blast we did. I looked a little to the left and saw its head slowly turning into ash. It did a small roar before turning ash and getting picked up by the cold breeze. I saw the ashes heading towards the moon and disappear...

I  take a deep breath and release some air.

"Phew..." I slowly smile.


I sat down while being a bit tired. Tao and Kuma do the same while Jir goes on all four and then shakes her head. Jir afterward sat down and sighed deeply.

My body hurts. My heart is pumping too quickly.  But luckily, at least this time, I managed to survive the percentage and NOT get a heart attack. Though, I was still unable to move much.

"Phew..." I heard Kuma. She then looked at the sky. "*Inhale* Man, that was SO tough! I WANT MY BED!!!! FUUUCCCKKK!!!!!"


Kuma lay on her back in the blood. The three of us laugh out loud at Kuma's sudden outburst. The laughter slowly dies down as we all look at the sky together. The moon seemed normal again as the blood was draining from underneath us. We heard one last laughter from the area before the blood was gone.

I slowly blink once more and think about what occurred tonight.

And now that I think about it, this was a tough battle. With pure luck, we beat the monster and found a way to the next layer. 


It's because we work together as a team that we manage to do the unthinkable. 

So many things I want to ask. So much had happened in these couple of weeks. There are things that I don't understand—starting from why the creatures want to capture the humans and torture them. How did H.U.M.A.N.I.T.Y find out about our existence? Why do we have these supernatural powers? Why do the creatures taste so good? What's with the lower tunnel monster-looking human?

The most curious one of all is the memory. The memory of the hooded figure and me crying while holding to someone's body.

So many things to solve. But we have to do it one step at a time. There's no need to rush.


We have plenty of time to answer all of these questions.

Right now, we can rest our heads knowing that we completed the task and conquered the mission.

The area became silent.

30 minutes later...

We all remain silent and reflect on the experience together. I then sat back up once more while still staring at the sky. The sky looks normal with stars and everything. 

It's hard to believe that this sky was red and the moon was pouring out blood after getting satisfied.  How does that work, I wonder? And how do I know that it was satisfied? Why was it satisfied?

This world is getting darker and weirder by the minute. It's full of surprises.

"Hey, guys..." Kuma began saying.

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