Strive 16: Getting Comfortable

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Kibishi POV

I opened the door...


"Hello?" I answered.

To my surprise, I saw Tao standing in front of me. "Whoa!" I jump back a bit "Tao! *Frown* Why are you awake? Shouldn't you be sleeping?"

"I couldn't sleep...not without you," Tao says sadly.

"Oh...I see." I said. I sigh softly "Tao, come in for a minute. There's something I must tell you..."

"Sure..." Tao nodded.

I let Tao into my room. I close the door behind me. I saw Tao slowly sitting on the soft bed with a worried expression. I walk towards her while holding my neck with my right hand "So...about why I haven't been sleeping with you..."

"Yes?" Tao tilts her head.


This isn't going to be easy to say. But- we can't afford to be kicked out. We just got here and we must be on our best behavior. For Tao's sake...

I stand next to Tao "See, they made the rule about us sleeping together and....l-look, Tao, we can hang out every day. We can't do anything that can make them hate us so-"

"So, you want us to be in our best behavior, right?" Tao...smiled?!

"Huh?!" I widen my eyes. "'re not upset about not sleeping together?" I asked.

"Of course, I am, why wouldn't I be?" Tao asked with her right brow raised.


"That said, after some thinking and crying while in my sleep, I have been thinking the same way, Kishi. Sure, I'm sad but I can't force you if you're uncomfortable." Tao smiles "Kishi is just looking out for me! And I find that sweet!"

"Tao..." I smiled.

"With that said," Tao frown "My mind knows that it's right...but my heart is selfish, Kishi..."

"Hmm?" I said.

What? Selfish...?

"Kishi...I'm so sorry. I'm sorry for making you feel like you have to make a tough decision on my behalf..." Tao narrow her eyes in shame "I'm such a terrible person, Kishi. Make you think you HAVE to force yourself to sleep with me. I can tell the times we spent was fun. And I would love to sleep together like before." she started to tear up "But Kishi mind is made up. I have to be strong and accept your feelings. Even so...*tears falling* even so, I just can't...!"

"....Tao..." I look at my friend in awe...

"I have to...stay strong...! *sob* *sob* *close eyes* It's...not fair, damn it!" Tao held her chest "Why can't Kishi sleep with me?! What's wrong with that?! Is something...wrong with me? Am I... scary to sleep with Kishi?" Tao asked.

"Of course not!" I rested both arms on Tao's shoulders "I would NEVER be scared of you!"

"Then why can't they just let us sleep together?! I don't want to...leave Kishi's side! I don't want to be alone tonight! The darkness is...scary!" Tao says while gripping her knees "Kishi's warmth...feels good...s-so...*blush*" she closes her eyes "I'm...really selfish, huh?"

"Tao..." I give a small smile "I feel the same way."

"R-really?" Tao blushes once more.

"Yup! In fact, I wanted us to sleep together as well. It's better when you're around me. Your warmth, your sleeping breath blowing under my chest. I can't get enough of that." I frown "Sadly...."

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