Strive 22: The Daily #1

11 1 52

Kibishi's POV

Middle City...

Here we are, walking in the middle of- well, in Middle City. I got to admit, it's a neat place to settle down and relax without any worry about anything attacking you. Still, though, this is hell. And we can't just settle with this right now.


Kuma was pointing at a store "That's the mall where you can buy clothing if you want to spice things up!" she then points at another one "And that one is where you do laundry!" 

"Interesting." Tao looks at the list "Seems like everything we need is right here in the city itself. we won't have to worry about food or water any time soon."

"Correct!" Kuma says while looking at her list "Now then,"

While the girls were discussing the game plan, I was looking around to see what else is there.


Ah, I see someone selling different items! It's a small shop with weapons and armor. It seems expensive though. I look around some more and I saw another store with all kinds of food. I think it got carrots, pears, and more! I also see some plantain, potato, etc. The price on it wasn't so bad as the armor store. 

Once again, I look around and saw a store full of items for entertainment, I think. There's a computer, a phone, and even a tv. But I doubt it'll work due to it doesn't have cable...right? I got that from Tao anyway.

There's also a store for Kids, I believe. I saw some running in and out of it with their parents. I guessed some things don't change despite not being on the surface anymore. I also saw a playground with a tree house and rides. I can't believe they have this underground. that?! 

It is! A bookstore! 

Tao loves books! If I can surprise her with some books then I can see her smile brightly! It'll be so worth the money! I have to take her there on a daily someday! Maybe not now though since I want it to be a surprise. Oh, I know! I can ask some questions about the types of books and see which one she likes the most!

"Right, that's the plan," I whisper to myself then nodded with a bright smile.

"What plan, Kishi?" Tao said.

"Huh?!" I jump back when I realize Tao was so close to my face with a curious expression "W-when did you get so close?!" I asked.

"Hmm?" Tao tilt her head cutely "You were silently laughing so I wanted to check on you to see if you're alright. Then when I stand in front of you, you only close your eyes and laugh some more. Finally, you say "Right, that's the plan." or something like that." she explains.

"I-I see..." I say while blushing.

Phew, that was close. I almost ruin the surprise for her. 

"Anyway, let's start with the daily shall we?" I said.

"Right!" Kuma nodded. "Okay, let's split up and finish each task. Kibi, Tao, we each have two tasks so we must meet up here in the exact spot by the time you're done, okay?" 

"Right!" Tao and I say in a union.

The three of us went our separate ways...

1 hour later...

I was scratching my head with my pen while looking at the list. "Hmm..." I blinked.

Step! Step! Step!

"Kishi!" a familiar voice call out to me. I turn around and give a warm smile "Ah, Tao!" 

Step! Step! Step!

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