Strive 53 Part 2: Tao's Event #4

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Kibishi's POV


"Alright, here goes nothing," I say after deep breathing.

I slowly raise my left hand towards the door while feeling a bit nervous. "It's okay, Kibishi. It's Tao we're talking about. I'm sure she'll listen to what I have to say. Yeah, that's it. Just gonna...". My hand can't stop shaking. 

Come on, man. Stop shaking, damn it!

This is for Tao's sake, you hear! All I have to do is knock on the door, and we're good. Just knock on the door. Knock...KNOCK! I have to do it! Do it!

"*Grunt*" I grunted. 

No use in thinking about it. Okay, for real this time-


"Hmm?" I was taken aback when I realized that the door was opening itself. I then saw my orange hair friend with a worried expression. "Maybe I should apologize for acting selfish- H-huh?" 

"A-ah...hey there, Tao..." I whispered.

"Ah, Kishi. How are you today? Weren't you heading towards the city to explore?" Tao asks in a shy way. "Well, I was going to, but-" I lower my eyelid in sadness "*Sigh* Listen, I'm sorry, Tao. I shouldn't have been selfish and said that I wanted to explore the city myself. I hurt your feelings."

"Huh?! What?!" Tao's eyes widen.

"I didn't eat this morning since I was excited to hang out with you. And I was going to eat afterward, but then you got all sad because of me. I'm such a terrible person. I hope you can forgive me, Tao..." I whisper once more.

"WHAT?! ARE YOU OKAY?! DO YOU NEED ANYTHING?! L-LET ME COOK YOU SOMETHING TO EAT!" Tao panics and holds on to me tightly. More so, my shoulders, to be specific. "Your eyes are red! We need to get to Mato right away, Kishi!" Tao said. She began to panic some more "I'm so awful! I made you cry, Kishi! Let me repay it back to you by taking care of your health!"

"Oh no, it's fine, Tao." I smiled. "I already ate something along the way over here. And true that I was crying, but only because I hurt you. It made me sad when you're sad."

"I'm so sorry, Kishi. I can't believe I made you starve while I was in here reading novels like an idiot! I'm sorry..." Tao began tearing up. 

"Hey, it's okay. The one who should be sorry is me. I'm the one who made you sad first, so I suppose I deserve it." I said. "No, you don't deserve it! Who cares about me?!" Tao says while holding onto my chest, "I'm the one who made you do all of this! I'm the selfish one! And now look at you...*hic* *hic*."

"Tao..." I whispered.

"*hic* *hic* Kishi..." She rested her head on my shoulder "...I'm so sorry. Please, forgive me."


I came here to apologize and make things right. But all I seem to do is worried her. What kind of best friend I am? I need to make it right somehow. "Tao..." I use my index finger to lift Tao's head from under her chin. I see her eyes red from all of the crying she's doing. The tears were falling off Tao's face. Something tells me that Tao is blaming herself for my actions. I cannot allow that to happen. "...You don't have to be so hard on yourself. Look at me; I'm okay now. See any scratches or injuries anywhere? I'm fine, Tao. So please smile, okay? Your face looks so much better with your shining smile. It always brightens up my day, Tao." I say to make my friend comfortable. "Can that? You're not angry at me for causing so much trouble to you?" Tao whispers as I whip her falling tears. "Of course not! Stop being silly, Tao! I would never get mad at you for anything!" 

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