Strive 3: Cherish

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Last time on Cho shizen-tekina sonazai

We have met two teenagers who spend their lives in a jail-like location. Struggling, enduring, and determine, those two face off against these creatures that force the human race to do whatever pleases them. But little do they know, something or someone will open a new path for them and humanity itself... 

10 years ago...

Narrator's POV

Tao was wrapping up Kishi's stomach wound with a determined expression. Once she finishes, Tao smiles.

"Ah! Yay, I did it! Kishi! I wrap your wound!" Tao says excitedly.

"Ah, thank you!" Kishi patted the wound "This is very nice, Tao!"

"Right!" Tao nodded with a blush.

Kishi looks at Tao's right hand and it was purple. "Ahh! What happens to your hand?!" Kishi asks in a panic.

"Huh? O-oh, this is nothing, Kishi!" Tao says while trying to cover the wound with her remaining hand. "That's not good! I'll talk to those mean creatures and let them have it!" Kishi says while standing up "This won't do- O-ow!"

"S-stop it, Kishi!" Tao says while holding her friend's body to help him up "You know what happen last time when you did that, right!?"

"But!" Kishi stop talking about receiving another pain from his stomach.

"I'm fine, I'm fine! Just lay down and rest please, Kishi!" Tao says while tearing up. "Tao-?" Kishi stops mid-sentence when he saw Tao clingy on to him "Please, rest! *Sniff* You're gonna make me cry again!"

"Alright, alright! I'll rest myself. Just don't cry, please!" Kishi says while sitting down on the bed.

Tao smiles brightly and hugs Kishi while he blushes "Yay!"

Later that night...

Kishi was staying up while looking at the ceiling. He narrows his eyes "Another night underground, huh? I wonder why- huh?!"

Tao rested her head on Kishi's chest. She moves a bit and then smiles. Kishi blinks and then thinks to himself "(Oh yeah, she likes to hear my heartbeat while sleeping. I always wonder why though?)"

He slowly closes his eyes "I wonder...if someone will ever rescue us from this place? Maybe not. But I will protect Tao no matter what. No matter....what..."

Kishi...fell asleep...

10 years later...

Kibishi POV

Ugh. How long since I fell asleep? Did it feel like an hour or so? But then again, I shouldn't be the one complaining right after what Tao has been through. And it seems like I'm thinking in my sleep. Weird. So dark and empty. So cold and terrible. I sometimes wonder, why do we dream for? Or why do we see darkness whenever we close our eyes? Haha, I'm pathetic, ain't I? Being negative in a time like this. If you don't know what I meant by that, I mean mentally negative, not physically speaking. 

Anyway, I was resting peacefully and soundly on the bed, when I felt a rumble underneath our cell. 


"Mm?" I mumble quietly as I had my eyes half-opened. I then slowly sit up and look around the cell with a tired expression. "What's that sound?" I speak to myself softly so that I won't wake up a certain sleepy orange head. But, since I wasn't by her side for even a second, Tao started to slowly sit up and sleepily look at me.

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