Strive 73: Day Off Babe!

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Kibishi's POV

"*Yawn*" I slowly stretch my arms while yawning.

I slowly look around while scratching my head. "Oh boy, what time is it?" I wondered.

"Mm..." I heard a familiar voice near me. I looked down and saw Tao sleeping on my lap. She seems comfortable. "Hehe!" I chuckled.

"Now then," I place my hand under my chin, "What happened last night? Well, we beat the monster, use the teleporter to arrive home, report to Ashely, and... that's it." I blink. "I think we all were knocked out. I don't blame us for being so tired after fighting for our lives. Speaking of,". I look around once more. "Where is Kuma and Jir?"


"Good morning, Kibi! It's time to celebrate humanity's victory!" Kuma says while opening the door with a casual outfit. She wore a plain white T-shirt, short black pants, and brown slippers.

"Hmm?" Tao wakes up with a sleepy expression.

"Hold on a second, Kum. Kibun told you to check up on them. Not burst their ear drums by your loud voice." Jir says while joining Kuma. Now that I looked at her well, she wore casual clothes. Some overalls, a black shirt, and brown slippers. Her ponytails had new bows to go with her look.

"Kuma! Jir! Ah," I point at them. "What's with the clothes?" I asked.

"We're not doing the daily today, so Jir and I decided to take off the mission uniform and wear our normal clothes," Kuma explains.

"Wait, so this isn't our normal clothes?" Tao asks while rubbing her left eye.

"Of course not, silly! There's a reason why we all have the same color pattern for our uniforms. It to show that we're together as a team." Jir said. Kuma tapped Jir's shoulder. "Hey, Jir, bring out Tao's clothes while we're here!" Kuma said.

"Oh, right." Jir raised her index finger and waved it around. "One, two, three- clothes appear to me!"


Clothes appear in thin air, and Jir catches it. "There we go! Here, Tao! Go change into this!"

"O-oh, okay then." Tao reached out her hands as Jir made the clothes float again. Once the clothes were within reach, they fell into Tao's arms. Tao slowly takes out a pink shirt with flowers. "Wow, it's so pretty!"

"That's great, Tao!" I smiled.

"Um, you got any clothes for Kishi as well?" Tao asked.

"Uh, sorry..." Jir frowns.

"Y-you see, uh...this place was a full-on girl organization. The supernaturals here were all girls." Kuma explained. "What happened to the male supernaturals?" I asked. "They uh...died a few years back..." Kuma whispered.

"I see..." Tao frowns. "Sorry for bringing that up." she apologized.

"No, it's fine, Tao. You didn't know. And anyway, we might find them someday. Only a select few died in front of our eyes. There were some before the event, so there's a chance to find them." Kuma explained.

"But yeah, we're sorry, Kib. We don't have any boy clothes for you that fit your size." Jir apologizes to me with a frown.

"It's cool." I started to take off my purple jacket. "See? I can just wear this black shirt and wash it by the end of the day.". "Here, let me," Tao assisted me and pulled the sleeve from my left arm. Then, she does the same for the right. Afterward, she started to fold the jacket into a small square shape and place it on her lap. "There! Now, you look like a normal teenage boy! A handsome one at that!~"

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