Strive 57: Creepy...

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Kibishi's POV


Thump! Thump! Roll...

A head of a creature rolls across the floor. Kuma was the one who give the final blow to it. The rest of us walk behind her. 

"Phew! That's the last one!" Kuma says with a grin.

"Such a waste of meat. But we can always slay some after the mission. I feel like after we report to H.U.M.A.N.I.T.Y there's going to be people who want to sell this type of creature meat." Jir said.

"Right, right," Kuma nodded.

"Is it really that good?" Tao asks with some concern.

"Sadly, yes. I tried it myself and the meat is sweet with some texture in it." I explained. "I see..." Tao bends down and grabs a piece of meat from the corpse of the creature. "I don't understand that at all." she take a bit and then widen her eyes "WHAT THE?! It's good?!"

"See?" I said.

" weird. Why am I enjoying the flesh of a corpse? It's so unsettling." Tao wonders.

"That's the thing, we don't know..." Kuma answers with uncertainty. "They say it because of us being super humans and we share common traits as the creatures," Jir commented. "Wait. So doesn't that mean that Tao's theory is right?" I asked. "Hmm...not really. It could have many reasons why we like the taste of them. It could be because we were made to kill these creatures. Or we were born to have this animal-like instinct. Many things, you see." Kuma explains. 

"That doesn't make sense. Kishi and I had parents before all of this happened.  But that can counterplay my theory as well. If we were born from our parents, then there's no way the monster and I are connected. And I'm 99% sure we were born from our parents." Tao explained.

"True. I might not remember everything from my past, but I know for sure that I was raised by my mom and dad before they got killed off by those terrible humans." I frown "Then I guessed your theory about you being connected is sort of off then..."

"Maybe. Perhaps Mato's right. Maybe it's because we found our items from the past and it gives us these supernatural powers. I doubt anything else would make sense at this point." Tao frowns. "With that said, I definitely feel like I'm connected to the monster so there's that. At least we got one confirmation right." Tao said.

"Right," I nodded.

"Maybe because of the bracelet you somehow gain the monster's memories?" Kuma said.

"How though? What's so special about these items we're carrying on our bodies? What do they represent?" Tao asked.

"I'm not sure," Kuma answered.

"At any event, let's keep moving. We don't want to stay too long in one spot." Jir suggested. "Fair point. We all can discuss this another time. And I do plan to support Tao's theory one way or another." I announce. 

Perhaps exploring the new area will give me the hope we need to prove Tao's theory of being right. I might be hoping for too much but Tao and the monster are connected for sure. The question is- how? Maybe the monster knows Tao by watching her from the distance? Or maybe once Tao gains the bracelet I give her, it gives the monster knowledge of Tao herself. So many possibilities. Hmm...

Step! Step! Step!

 A few walks later...

Kuma stops in front of a stairway that leads upwards. She smiles and nodded to herself. Kuma took out her device which she called "a phone" and touch the screen. 

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