Strive 30: Going 100%! Kuma's Saved!

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Hey guys! Just wanted to let you know that I appreciate the 100 reads! Should've mentioned it before but better late than never, I suppose. I'm also glad that I'm passing the stopping point of my old version of this book, ha. Been a wild ride! 

Anyway, onwards to the chapter!

Kibishi's POV

Slash! Slash!

Kujira does a backflip and catches Tao's rampaging slashes in midair. Kujira pushes her back and cast out flames and made Tao hit the ground hard. She turns around and saw Kuma smirking and made her blade bigger while backing it up.

"Tch!" Kujira made her two-spear fuse and turn it into a giant weapon as well. But due to Kuma's strength and speed-


Kujira ends up blocking the attack and gets thrown to the building where Tao and I was imprisoned. Tao jumps out of the ground and cast flames in Kujira's direction. I narrow my eyes and aim at Tao, but she moves so fast that I couldn't send my heartbeat to her. I then aim for Kuma, but she does the same. I lower my weapon and frown "They're too fast. If I fire, then it'll be a waste!" 


Kujira jump out of the way and the flame didn't hit her. She then rolled and bit followed by dashing at the side. Kuma was speeding in with a sinister look in her eyes. "Ahahahahaha!" Kuma laughs evilly. 

Slash! Slash! Slash!

Kujira and Kuma were exchanging blow after blow. Kujira jump back and bit and drag her left spear to send out dirt to blind Kuma. "Argh!" Kuma covers her eyes with her free hand and-


Kujira Roundhouse kicks Kuma in the stomach. This made Kuma slide on the ground with dust forming alongside it. I can tell Kujira getting tired. I don't blame her either. After all, she's taking both of them at the same time! Maybe...

"I'll set this up to..." I change the setting from heartbeat to soul beat "This one! I can ease her pain a bit and restore her energy! Though, a 10% chance of having a heart attack or 20% of me vomiting blood. I'll take that chance!" 

Kujira ducked under Tao's horizontal slash and kick her face. "KUJIRA! FALL BACK FOR A SECOND!"

She nodded and jumped towards me but still looking for any upcoming attack. Once within reach Kujira spoke, "What is it?!" 

"Here!" I aim and fire my heartbeat toward Kujira's direction. Her both glows a bit as I heard her breathing ease up a bit "Thank you! I feel so much better, Kib! Remember the meds on your heart's radar! Don't forget to ease your heart!" She says while sounding worried. Kujira jumps back to the battlefield and pushes back both Kuma and Tao due to them approaching at the same time. 

Good. Seems like she's okay and I seem to be fine other than having a bit of a headache followed by the air getting a bit thin on my end. No matter though, I'll have to do what I can to help! I press the heart radar to release the meds inside of my system "Come on!" I shouted.


I look back and saw Tao grabbing Kujira's weapon. But Kujira quickly jumps to dodge Kuma's sneak attack. Kuma hit Tao's stomach by mistake and then Kujira sat on top of Kuma's shoulders. "Sorry, Kum!" She apologizes and then lifts Kuma in the air and slams her on the ground. Before Kuma was able to get up, Kujira slam on top of her stomach and aim the spear near Kuma's forehead "Now! Cetus devouring seal!" 


A seal appears on top of Kuma's body. Kujira sweats while panting "Got one of them down!"


Tao out of nowhere grabs Kujira's face and drags her across the wall. "AHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!" 

"AAAHHHH!!!!" Kujira screams while her body was getting badly wounded. Tao then toss Kujira across the area and made her slam on top of a broken car, I think. 


"*Groans*..." Kujira slowly hold her head "When the hell she manages to become that strong?" 

"Don't worry! I got her in my sight-!" 

"No, Kib! Don't shoot yet! Tao will dodge it!" Kujira says while bending her knees "I'll pin her down!" 


Kujira dashes with great speed. She quickly tackles Tao and ran while holding Tao's clothing. "This is for before!!!!" Kujira says while spinning Tao a bit and then tossing her on a wall with great strength. 


"Ugh!" Tao screams in pain.

"Tao!" I panic.

"Calm down! I only toss her, silly! She won't die!" Kujira says while bending one knee on the ground "Focus on Kum quickly! I can feel her breaking my spell! Hurry!" she shouted then aims for Tao once more.

"Right," I nodded.

Step! Step! Step!

I did a couple of runs and saw Kuma breaking the seal with that evil grin.  "Ahahaha...AHAHAHA!!!!" She laughs. Damn, she really is strong! The seal is breaking fast! Once I made it by her side, I sat on top of her stomach "Kuma! I'm here!"

"ARGGHH!!!! ARGGHH!!!!" Kuma got surprised by my presence and panicked for some reason. "(She panics! The seals are forming once more! I wonder why?!) *Serious expression* I don't know why you suddenly panic like that but- I felt your soul returning for a brief second! You're probably ashamed of yourself and didn't want me to see you like this, right?" 

"ARGGHH!!! ARGGHHH!!!" I saw Kuma struggling some more. Then...I saw her crying once more. "Huh?!" I sense regret?! Why is she crying for? I know she feels bad but still "We can talk about it later! Right now, let's stop Tao's rampaging together!" I smiled.

This made Kuma calm down a bit. I can feel...her soul returning to its normal self. "Kuma...I'll protect you and the other girls! *Setting the percent to 100* Promise!" I aim my weapon at her chest "Just please, return to us, KUMA!" I shouted.



Kuma slowly turns back to normal. her weapon as well. Soon, I can see her with a dull expression and her eyes were full of tears. "H...huh? When did I...? I was in... darkness just but then I thought I heard Kibi's voice and..." Kuma's eyes wide with light in them "Huh?! *Blush* K-Kibi!" 

"Kuma!" I smiled.


I lean on her body and hug her "Thank goodness you're okay!" 

"O-oh! U-um, it's fine! I'm back now thanks to you!" Kuma's body felt hot. I slowly sat up "I'm glad that my heartbeat woke you up!"

"R-right! So uh, *face turns red* mind getting off of me...please?" Kuma asks politely. "Oh, right!" I stand up and offer my hand "And sorry for making you cry like that! I know you think I would've gotten mad at you for not stopping Tao. But honestly, I sort of understand why. And it's my fault in a way so...sorry for putting such a heavy burden on the two of you."

"Kibi..." She grabs my hand and I pull her up "It's fine. After all, Tao was only thinking of you, that's all. I suppose the injection can get in your head."

"Injection?" I tilt my head. 

"I'll explain later! But..." Kuma looks in Kujira's direction and saw her fighting Tao "We need to calm Tao down. *smile* Luckily, you being here will change the tides!"

To Be Continued...

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