Strive 24: Building Up

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Kibishi's POV

I was sitting on the bed next to Tao who was on my left and Kuma who was on my right.

"Hey, man. Look, I'm sorry for what Kibun said to you. He can be a bit mean-spirited but really means well." Kuma says while looking at me with concern.

"Kishi...want me to sleep by you tonight after I return? That always makes you feel better, remember?" Tao suggests while warping her arms around my neck.

I had dead eyes while narrowing my brows in frustration. "I couldn't do anything. I can't do anything. My power can only kill. Such irony since I wanted to protect. Now, I can't even step outside without worrying about harming you guys."

"Kibi, listen. We'll figure it out, okay? I won't let them just toss you aside after all the hard work you have done. Don't you worry, Tao and I will talk to them for you. Promise." Kuma then warp her arms on my waist to hug me "And don't worry about the cry back there. You had every right to cry. After all, being emotional is what makes you human."

"Thank you..." I wipe the dried tears "I wish I can help with your mission tonight though. I...I wish I was a different supernatural.  Being death...isn't something I want if it meant killing people around me. If only I can just use my heart for good things like calming you down and making you happy. Not in fear of dying near me."

"Kishi. I just want you to know that I'll always be there for you. Even if you meant to kill, even if you wanted to kill me, I won't run away. I'll help you. No matter what." Tao said.

"I don't want you-!" I frown once more "I don't want you to kill yourself, Tao. I can't imagine a world without you. What's the point of living if you die on me now."

"I know. I feel the same about you and your life." Tao let go and so did Kuma. They both stand up and stare at me. "Kibi, I'll try to talk to them once more before we leave. If we still can't get through them then...Tao and I will sleep with you tonight on the same bed."

"W-what?!" I blush.

"Don't worry, we won't let you feel lonely tonight." Kuma says with a smile "Plus, you get to sleep with two cute chicks as a way to make yourself feel good! What a deal!"

"Also, it'll make sure you won't do anything. Kuma and I will stop you if you even try the attempt. I'll make sure you live until the very end. Even if I have to break into this room late at night." Tao says with a serious expression.

"Yeah...don't try to kill yourself is what she's saying. We'll make sure you ain't doing that as well. Here," Kuma puts a small device in my hand "And if you even think about getting rid of it, I'm running back here and slap you silly!". Kuma frowns "You're not going to die on my watch. I already lost a friend in the past. I won't lose another one."

"Kuma...Tao..." I slowly smile "Thank you both. I don't know what I would do without you."


Tao and Kuma soundly made that strange sound. They both turn red at the same time.

"Uh...what was that noise? Sound like the same one back then when I pat Tao a lot during our time in the cell." I asked while tilting my head.

"Y-you didn't hear that!" Kuma says in a shy and weird way.

"Y-yes! It was just your imagination Kishi!" Tao says while putting her index finger together nervously. 

"Okay then...?" I stand up "How about I walk you two out-"


Kuma and Tao blush even redder. Kuma stands in front of me while waving her arms "No no no! You stay there and get some rest! T-Tao and I are heading out now s-so get some rest! We can talk about the s-sleep over afterward!"

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