Strive 27: The Ambush

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Tao's POV

We reach the prison area and we were taking a look inside it.

So far, nothing out of the ordinary.  I can tell that the creatures were here to look for survivors.  Luckily, we all escape so they abandon the place.

"Seems like the way we left it," Kuma says while bending her knees to look at the bloody floor.

"Yes, indeed." I nodded.

"And we look deeper as well but no luck..." Jake says while frowning.

"Why aren't we finding any leads?" Kuma asked. "I know, right? Unless it was just rumors after all. But there has to be a way up, right? It has to do with how the tunnels were designed." I said with a calm expression.

"That just means that we have to keep looking. There's no rest." Kuma says seriously.

"Right," I nodded.

A few more searching later...

"....Still nothing," I said.

"Tch! We only ran into small fries of the creatures. We have to do better than this!" Kuma says in anger.

"There's gotta be a way to make this search a bit easier." I place my hand under my chin "Like a radar or even a tracker. Something that can follow the creature's footsteps. I'm sure they roam around somewhere we've never been."

"Somewhere we have never been, huh?" Jake thinks to himself. "Hmm...why don't we look deeper into the area? I'm sure we can find an open path, right?"

"But there's nothing left to find here," Kuma says while frowning.

"Hmm....this is frustrating. " I said.

"Yes, it is. If only we can just break our way in." Kuma said.

"Break...our way in..." I widen my eyes in surprise "I have a theory but- we don't have any place to test it. Let's head back for now.", I suggest.

"Right, I wanted to stop stressing myself.  The two injections we have here won't do us any good since I can feel myself getting a bit annoyed by the second. We don't know how long it'll last. One bad step and we can transform into our true selves. " Kuma mentions.

"I still have questions about the fluid from the creatures but you're right. We must return for now-"


"*Gasps*" I gasp and go to my knees.

"Hey, Tao?! Are you alright?!" Kuma panics while trying to help me up "Are you turning already?! B-but we haven't gotten-!"

"N-no... it's not that." I had a worried expression "It's Kishi! He's stressing out right now!"

"What?! How do you know?! He's back at H.U.M.A.N.I.T.Y.'s-!"

"I have to go back! No- I NEED to go back!" I panic with fear in my eyes.

"C-calm down, Tao. You're overreacting here. Kibi would've-"

"I have to go back! I have to calm him down! Kishi is...Kishi is in pain!" I began to tear "Kishi is in pain, Kuma! I have to comfort him before he tries something that'll kill him! I won't forgive myself if-!"


"Shh! There there..." Kuma hug me while patting my head.

"Kishi...Kishi...! *Hic* *hic*" I started to cry my eyes out "Kuma, I have to-! Kishi's in trouble! H-his fading!"

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