Strive 7: Escape!

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Kibishi's POV

Tao rested my head on her lap as Akuma place my dismember right leg underneath my lower half. She then put my right leg in the missing place and holds it still.

"Alright then. Normally, I wouldn't resort to this since they can heal themselves but-" Akuma summons a small device shaped like a cube "We have to get out of her asap."

Akuma made the cube drop a certain amount of liquid that spill in between my dismember arm. Following my leg as well. Once it stops spilling, Akuma puts it away. "Now, let's see it in action."

And then...something happened...

My right leg...started to glow! Whoa, I didn't expect that at all! Is this Akuma's doing?! Must be since the liquid went in between my dismembers!  I'm starting to feel my right leg! I can actually feel my right leg being a part of my body! It's like- it's merging again! I felt my dying blood falling on my leg, and Tao held me tight as she saw this.

"Amazing. Does it hurt, Kishi?" Tao asks me.

"'s actually a nice feeling..." I said with a smile on my face. This continues for a few more seconds and then...

Akuma brings my left arm and places it in the missing area. It does the same thing as my leg, does hurt a bit though.

"Okay then, on to the rest," Akuma said.

I form a fist with my right hand.  I sweat as my left arm starts to connect to my body. Tao holds my right hand and keeps whispering " It's okay, I'm here." to me. That sort of calms me down and I relax my body.

After a while, I felt my right arm and left getting healed as well?! What's going on here?! Who is she?! Am I...gonna be alright?!

All of those questions keep going on repeat as I try to say calm. But...but!

Bu-Bump! Bu-Bump!


A heartbeat.

Tao's heartbeat...

It's so, soothing and...kind. body feels... relaxed. Like, I don't have to worry about anything. My eyes slowly close as I hear Tao's sweet and calming heartbeat.


I always wonder why you always want to hear my heartbeat. But now, I understand why. It's calming, it's so soothing, it's causing me to take it easy and rest my head on your thigh.

I'm feeling my bloodstream flowing through my body again.

The nerves are restored...



I can't express my feelings right now. It's like, I don't have to worry once Tao is around me...


Thank you...for being there for me...


It was pitch black...

A few minutes later...

"*Muffle* ...Shi...Kis...Kishi..."

Kishi? Wait, is that Tao's voice? Is she calling me?

"*Muffle* Kishi...Kishi...*Clear voice* KISHI!"

"*Gasp* TAO! ARE YOU OKAY? I'LL PROTECT YOU-! H-huh?" I quickly sat up, huffing, and puffing with every breath in my body. I was sweating, trying to calm my restless heart.

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