Strive 28: Another Supernatural?!

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Kibishi's Pov

Kibun's Office

I was sitting on a chair while Kibun, Mato, and Mark were adjusting some settings for this "Megaphone" on my left hand. 

"Honestly, coming back here after getting the CITY!" Mark complains.

"*Blush* S-sorry..." I apologize while blushing.

"Well, at least that'll give us time to adjust the weapon. Now then," Mato spin his index finger on the thing near my heart "Heart rate is stable. Seems like his stress rate is normal as well. Hmm...add in some more heart meds inside his bloodstream. Let's also add in an emergency injection as well whenever a heart attack accrues." 

"Not only that, but we also have to adjust his super code as well. I'll have Ashely send me the code right away." Mark says seriously.

"We also need to adjust his headphone, wristband, and even his heart radar. After all, he's just a teenager and not a machine to do our bidding. Plus, Akuma will be angry if we just send him out there to die from a heart attack." Kibun said.

"But I'm still against sending him out there without any more tests. Just because it works on a human doesn't mean it'll work with supernatural ones. We're taking a big risk here, you know!" Mato says while sounding worried. "What choice do we have here? The signal from Tao and the others are fading in and out." Kibun said.

"What?!" I stand up "Is that why I felt Tao's soul fading away all of a sudden and then she's fine?! What's happening out there?!"

"Kibishi, calm down. Panic and your heart will race, and you'll have to wait even longer to head out." Mato says then smiles "Taogeta and Akuma are strong. Plus, I doubt Taogeta will go down knowing very well that she promises you her return, right? Unless you're saying you don't trust her words?"

"No, of course, I do!" I frown "But Tao always pushes herself too far when it comes to me. She does crazy things just to protect me." 

"So, like you then?" Mark says with a smirk "Aw, how cute! ~"

"W-well, either way, I have to be there to calm her down. She's smart and very pretty but- (wait, what am I saying "pretty" for?!) she's a bit emotional and can be a bit persistent to the very end." I said.

"I see. Well, either way, we have to do some more adjustments..." Mato says while looking at the thing in my chest again.

"Right..." I nodded

A few more checking later...

Mato puts his right hand behind his head "Phew! Talk about stress! But we had to be extra careful or you'll have a sudden heart attack. The meds should ease the pain a little bit  but I don't know for how many shots when you send your heartbeat towards someone."

"So, use it wisely and not like a crazy person, okay?" Kibun says while frowning.

"...R-right..." I nodded. Though, if push comes to shove, I will do what it takes to save those two girls no matter what they say. As selfish as it sounds.

 "That expression on your face. I have a feeling that you're up to something..." Kibun says while looking at me a serious look.

"Anyway, I'm going to them now," I say while standing up.

"Hold it, we don't know if they're really in trouble. It could be due to a weak signal or something. Let us check first before we decide on something." Mato says while taking out a device just like mine. "Huh? 10 missed calls from the founder? I wonder why?" 

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