Strive 10: Invincible monster.

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Kibishi POV

A few walks later...


I rested on the floor while Tao lean on me then sigh in relief from all of that walking. Akuma on the other hand stretches her body while grinning away.

"Hehe! ~ Seeing you two pumped up my blood! ~" Akuma shakes it off and places her hands in her purple jacket "Anyway, here's the area for you guys to test your skills."

"What do you mean?" I asked.

"What do you think? I'm helping you understand who we are." Akuma raise her index finger "No, more like explain why Tao was able to kill those creatures from before. Tell me, Tao. How do you feel?" 

"As of right now? Hmm...I'm okay." Tao said.

"Okay. How did you feel back then? When the creatures harm Kibi?" Akuma asked.

"...." Tao blinks and then looks at the ground. She stops to think about her answer. It was a bit of time before she finally answers Akuma's question "Sadness and despair. Honesty, I was going to try to help him even if it kills me, but my mind went blank. It's heart sinks. I- I wanted to hurt them. I wanted them to pay. They harm him and my mind just slips." she held her head with her left hand "I was stressing, panicking, crying, moaning for Kishi's safety. I wanted to help him, but I was so helpless when I saw him crying in pain. The world just stops. My mind- my mind was...-!" 

Tao closes her eyes and tears form "It was suddenly but I knew then...I was a monster. I killed them and... like it. After seeing those dead bodies, I just- I'm not normal!" 

"Tao!" I went in front of Tao "H-hey, it's okay. I'm alive and well. You didn't mean any harm. I believe you did it in self-defense and for my sake." 

"But your body was there! I saw you covered in blood and thought you were-!" Tao looks away "I'm not worthy of your kindness, Kishi..."

"Hey. Stop that!" I put on a serious expression. "If I can't be negative then you can't be either!" I said.

"But...!" Tao's eyes had tears falling from it "I could've killed you..." she covers face with her hands "*Sob* *sob* I could've harmed you, Kishi!"

"Tao..." I frown.

"As I thought, emotion was the key to your attack back there," Akuma says with a serious expression. She places her hands in her jacket and speak once more "Luckily, the transmission was your "good" one so you can't say that you didn't help, Kibi. You just went out of control out of the care for him. Might've harmed him during the process though..."

Tao froze in place.

"Kuma!" I hug Tao "Don't say stuff like that! You know she's sensitive when it comes to me!"

"It's the truth, she nearly killed you. I saw it with my two eyes." Akuma said.

"D-don't listen to her, Tao. I believe that you tried to protect me no matter what-"

"I'm...a monster. I-I nearly killed Kishi. I'm...I'm...!" Tao held her head "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to harm you!"

"Tao?!" I shouted.

What do I do?! She's stressing out again! 

Tao is panicking! Her heart is beating fast! It's like before! If this doesn't calm down soon, she'll panic and might turn again! I won't let that happen! Not after all of that pain she's been through for my sake!

"Don't worry, I'll be here with you," I said.

"H-huh?" Tao raises her head.

"Akuma might've been right but I don't care. I know you wouldn't harm or kill me. I trust you with my life, Tao. No matter what people say about you. Friends for life, remember? Even to our last breath, we will always have each other's back." I smiled "Tao is Tao! The most honest and kind person anyone can ask for."

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