Strive 6: Expressive

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Last time on Cho shizen-tekina sonazai,

As things seem to be going our hero's way, the creatures brutality captures Kibishi and tears off an arm and leg, breaking the remaining...

Tao's face was in despair, crying for Kibishi's safety. And so, with a loud cry, the creatures somehow got killed in a blink of an eye. How did it happen? Why did it happen? Who's the new girl that is named, Akuma? What does all of this mean? Will our heroes find salvation in this dark world? Or will they suffer a dark and sad faith.....

Kibishi POV

"Yo! How's it going?! Oh, don't mind me, you two! Just continue whatever you were doing! I'll just wait here until you two finish!~" The girl name Akuma says while blushing cutely.

Wait, where did she come from? I didn't even hear a sound.  More so a footstep if anything.

I don't know what's going on here, but this could be bad for Tao and I. But damn it, I'm not in my best state to even defend Tao at all! But...I can at least let Tao escape from here!

But will she actually do it? Regardless, I must try!

I tried to muster up whatever strength I have left and speak "Tao-"

"No. I won't leave your side, Kishi. Remember what you said earlier? I attend to keep that promise. *Hug tighter* I won't let you die here!" Tao says with a determined look. Man, and once again, Tao is saving me. "But...-!"

"State your business! If you come here just to attack Kishi then I protect him no matter what! I won't hand him over to you!" Tao shouted I was surprised.

Crap, let me just- ow. It's hard to think now. Let me try to reason with her to make her leave for her own safety "Tao...I' body is damaged. Why don't you just leave and-"

"No! I won't let anyone harm you ever again! I'll protect you, Kishi!" Tao straight-up denied my offer. Damn it, nothing will change her mind at this point. she's very protective when it comes to me...

"Tao..." I tried to come up with something else but nothing came out of my mouth. I guess I can't do anything at this point either.

We then heard Akuma sigh and stand up with both of her hands on her hips. "Okay, calm down, calm down. If I really had the attention to kill that boy then I would've done so without a second thought. *Shake head*  But I guess I sort of bring out an "I'm gonna kill you all" kind of vibe, huh? Then in which case it's fair that you're being protective." Akuma says as she walks closer to Tao and I.

Tao tense up and she turns herself a little to block my body. I can feel her shaking around as the girl come closer and closer. Who can blame her? This girl- or Akuma, has this strange aura around her. It's almost...intense. 

"D-don't come any closer! Stay away from us!" Tao's anxiety holds my body as she stands her ground. Her heartbeat, it's racing fast! Wait, how come I can hear Tao's heart all of a sudden? Not just hers, but Akuma's as well. What's going on here?! In that- "H-huh?"

Akuma knee down and smile at Tao.

"Hey, it's okay, Taoreta. I won't harm, Kibishi. *Reach out hand* I'm only gonna help him out for a bit, okay?" She speaks softly at us.

Wait, Huh?! How did she know our names?!

"*Whispers* She knows our names? But how?" I whispered.

Supernatural Beings: Strive Survivors Vol. 1Where stories live. Discover now