Strive 54: Check Upon

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Kibishi's POV

I was in the room getting ready for the meeting tonight. I freshened up, and now I'm just putting on my shoes. But the more I think about it, the more questions I have. 

"The devil's body parts are a mystery to me. I wonder if it means something. Regardless, there's one other thing we have to uncover as well. The connection between Tao and the monster. Not to mention my vision alongside that boy. What could all of this mean?" I wonder.

Let's not forget the fact that Mato was trying to reject the theory without trying to consider it as a possibility. What is he afraid of?

"I can understand not agreeing, but flat-out rejecting the theory as a whole is something else. What's going on around this place?" I ask myself. Yeah, there's something strange about the way this place operates. The people here are friendly, so it's not like they're hiding anything on purpose. But still, it's most likely that they know something we don't. But the thing is, what?

"The clothing fits us—the weapons they prepared as well. I was originally supposed to have a knife to fight with. But that's dangerous for me. I don't mind fighting, but something tells me not to attack with that type of weapon. Or anything that can kill. Otherwise, it's all over..." I whisper at the end.

But why? Why do I feel that way? I know that Mato and the others say that I could cause death to the others, but still, isn't that the case if I have the intention to kill everyone around me? And if so, I doubt that I have such choices in the first place. Either way, I didn't want to fight that way, even if it was safe. I will rather be in the support than the fighter of the group. I like the fact that I CAN use my heart instead of my hands. It's nicer that way. At the very least, it's safer as well. That way, whenever others are stressed, they can listen to my heart and calm down.

Wait, how come? 

I never realize WHY it calms them down. For Tao, I can understand since we have been together ever since we were kids. But for Kuma and Jir is a mystery. Why does my heart calm them down? Is it because I'm kind? Is it because of my peaceful nature? Or is it because of some unknown factor? 

I wonder-

Knock! Knock!

I heard someone knocking on my door.

"Oh?! C-come in!" I said.


The door opened, and I saw- huh?! 

"The Founder?!" My eyes widen in shock. Out of all people to visit me, I didn't expect the founder to be the one to knock on my door. 

"Good evening, Kibishi. How are you feeling? I heard you were down in the dumps the minute you returned from the daily the other day?" The Founder asks in a worried way. "Oh, no need to worry about it, sir. I'm perfectly fine now and ready to explore with the girls." I answered back. "I know, I know. But I was asking if YOU were alright, Kibishi." The Founder said.

"Hmm? What do you mean by that? I'm confused." I said.

"I mean, after discovering that you're a death's supernatural, crying for being worthless, saving the girls more than once with your heart. Are you okay with that? Is there anything I can do to ease your pain? I'm asking because you're the main reason I, like the others, can move forward without any worry about those girls entering their bad forms." The Founder says while frowning.

"Hmm..." I blinked.

Something about those lines doesn't sit right with me. Call me weird, but why is he bringing this up now? Maybe I'm reading too much into things. His heart seems honest, so I don't sense any malice intention. Yeah, I might be reading too much into things. I'm sure he got his reasons. Maybe it's the fact that Tao and The Founder were getting along that got me under my skin. But why, though? Just thinking about that time makes me a bit annoyed for some reason.

"Kibishi? Are you alright? You have that strange expression on your face? It's almost as if you don't want me here in this room." The Founder explains.

"Ah! S-sorry! I didn't mean to make that face, hehe..." I blush from embarrassment.

"Hmm? Wait, are you thinking about the time when Taogeta and I first met? Are you still feeling distrustful because I was being nice to her?" He asked. "What?! N-no, of course not! Well..." I rub my neck. "Look, I know you're not a bad person. And I know you didn't mean any harm. But when it comes to Tao..."

"Ah, I see now. Well then, if that's the cast, I won't blame you. It seems like that girl means a lot to you. I, too, had someone like that once. So I can understand why you distrust someone getting too close to your best friend. I will say now I don't have any bad intention to harm her. She's perfectly safe, Kibishi. Promise." The Founder explains with a bright smile. 

"R-right..." I look away.

I know he means well. But I can't just shake this feeling of annoyance. Why is that?

"I see. Well, I'm not going to hold it against you due to the obvious reasons." The Founder said. I saw him with a straight face. "Anyway, I'm here to let you know that the meeting had started and you weren't present. So I came myself to check up on you."

"WHAT?!" I look at the clock. "But we got 5 minutes before it starts!" I panic.

"What?" The Founder looked at the clock. "Ah, I see. It seems like your clock is 5 minutes behind. I'll have Mark fix it for you when we're done." he turned around with his hands behind his back. "Now come, Kibishi. That same girl arrives on time before you do and is pacing around the room in a panic. She wanted to be the one to get you, but I didn't want anyone leaving the room and making time thinner. Time is not on our side, you see." 

"Right..." I nodded.

I stand up and follow him. But that's strange. The clock was working perfectly fine all day. Why it acted differently tonight? Weird. Ah, well, maybe it broke in the last second. Things like that happen all the time. Hmm...why do I feel like that might not be the case?

...I think I need to learn to stop suspecting things and move on. I might keep this in mind, though, just in case.

The meeting area...


"Alright, everyone, I got Kibishi, so we can finally start the meeting now." The Founder says while opening and holding the door for me. I had my headphones on my neck with the megaphone strap on my left thigh. 

Once I walked in a bit more, I heard footsteps and saw a girl with a scared expression running towards me. 

Step! Step! Step!

"Kishi!" That girl was my orange hair friend. She ran towards me and quickly grabbed my left hand. "Are you okay?! You didn't arrive alongside the rest of us, so I got worried! I-I wanted to come over and check if you're okay, but the founder made me wait in here and- and-"

"Hey, it's okay. No need to worry about it. It's my fault for being late, not yours. You did the right thing and headed towards the place you suppose to me." I smiled.

"Still, I had wanted to check on you to walk together with you towards the meeting itself, but Mato and the others say that it was fine. I should have checked." Tao says while frowning. "Not surprise there. She was pacing around the room, all nervous, like when time passed. Seems like she was trying not to worry about you but couldn't help it." Mato explains. 

"It's fine, Tao. Really, let's head to our seats." I said.

"Okay then." Tao slowly nodded.

The Founder walks towards his seat with his hands behind his back. Tao and I made it to our seats. And so, the meeting begins...

"Is everyone here? Good! Time for the meeting to start!" Mato says with a smile.

To Be Continued...

See you later!

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