Strive 53: The Plan Moving Forward

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Kibishi's POV

Kibishi's Room...

And so, the four of us entered my room and locked the door. 

Tao and I were sitting on top of my bed while Kuma was seated on a backward chair, and Jir was sitting on one usually. 

"There's something about Mato's explanation that doesn't sit right with me," I said.

"Yeah, he denies the theory about me being connected to the monster yet adjusts our origin ever so slightly. First, it was because of the development in the area we were raised, and now it's because of the toxicity of the air around us. Which one is it?" Tao wonders.

"Indeed. I had never seen him be on the defensive before in my life. I wonder why he acted that way for?" Kuma asked. 

"Does he know something we don't?" Jir asks with a sad expression. "It's one thing to another in this world. It's full of surprises." Tao says while lowering her brows in sadness.

"Our theory aside, I want to know something, Kuma." I began saying.

"Oh, sure. What is it?" Kuma asked.

"No lies, okay? We're friends, right?" I ask with a sad expression.

"Y-yeah. Why are you both making sad faces at me?" Kuma asks while having a worried look. "Okay then, I'll jump right to the question in Kishi's place." Tao puts on a curious expression. "Kishi doesn't want to have doubts in any of us, so the question he wants to ask- well, what WE wanted to ask is why did you mention the devil's body parts with Kibun this morning? Why inside of your room?"

"Huh?!" Kuma's eyes widen.

"We heard it from this side of the wall over there. I wasn't trying to ears dropping on you, but what you said was shocking. In fact, it was scary..." I frown.

"How can that be? The walls were supposed to be soundproof. How can this be?" Kuma asked.

Wait that is true. How can we be able to hear through it? That's strange...

"The devil's body parts? What is that? Why are you mentioning it now and not before? There's so much on our plates, Kuma. And learning about this will build up stress for all of us here if it's true." Tao said.

"Body parts?! Is that what attacked us two years ago?! The reason why we were separated in the first place?! That scary arm was a part of the devil?! Who is the devil anyway?!" Jir freaks out.

"It's an angel that fell from the heavens from the Bible. But hearing the name alone makes me shiver for some reason. It's like it was programmed in me to freak out like that." Tak explains.

"Fearful or not, it still doesn't explain why Kuma mentioned the name today," I said.

"*Sighs* Listen, I don't get it either.  The wall aside, my old man just came inside my room and was just worried about me overdoing it again. He then mentions the devil's body parts to me and explains that it attacks randomly. So far, it didn't attack anything, but who's to say that would last during the rest of the journey? Guys, I'm telling you, I wasn't trying to keep secrets from you. Not after everything we have been through so far. It's just hard to believe that the fact the body parts attacked us two years ago separated the supernaturals. I want to find them. The supernaturals, I mean.  It'll ease the pain a little if we can at least find the others. Please, believe me. I'm trying the best I can be fair here. Please..." Kuma whispers at the end.

"Hmm..." Tao closes her eyes.

"..." I blink.

"Kum..." Jir whispered.

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