Strive 46: Taogeta's Emotional Dilemma

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Akuma's POV

"Alright, Kuma. It's time to settle this." I hype myself up.

I'd admit, before those two arrived here, I stopped trying to be close to anyone other than the people in this building. Hell, I stop caring about the daily all together. I mean- I still do it, but I always put a fake smile on my face whenever I greet people. No one ever knows that. Well, except for Tao and Jir, since I'm always a bit soft around them.

But no time for that. Tao needs the support she can get. I'm sure that Jir is doing her part. Now, it's my turn.

Knock! Knock!

"H-hey Tao. May I come in, please?" I asked.

"..." no one responded.

I knock once more.


"..." no one answered.


"Go away!" Tao shouted from inside her room which made me jump. I narrow my eyes in shame and guilt.

That's right. I'm the one who triggered her other form. I'm the one who caused pain to her when she was fighting the monster. I was the one who was too late to stop the creatures from tearing Kibi's body apart. Who wouldn't be mad at me? I'm so awful! Why would I think she'll forgive me for that?! I wouldn't!

Yes. I deserve it. I failed. I lost everyone. I lost everything. And it's all my fault.


I still want to make things right. At the very least, I can fix their relationship. 

That's what is important right now. Tao doesn't have to forgive me for my actions. I'll take responsibility and the guilt. That's what the "leader" would do.

"Tao...please. Let me talk to you for a moment." I say softly but loud enough for Tao to hear.


I'm hearing footsteps coming to the door. Moments later, I hear the door opening slowly. I saw Tao with tears falling. Her eyes were red as I saw her room a bit messed up. It wasn't like that before. She must be beating herself to the fact that Kibi was sad about something.

"What do you want? And you better be quick. No jokes, or else I'm shutting the door." Tao says with anger in her eyes.

"..." I make up my face and turn it into a disappointed expression.

Tao...I'm sorry...

"...I know. I'm not that stupid to joke around at a time like this..." I slowly smile weakly. "You may not want to, but I'll still ask. Can I come in so that we can talk to each other?  Please?" I say this in all honesty and wholeheartedly. I'm making sure that I show her that I'm serious about helping her.

Tao is staring daggers at me.

No dice, huh?

...I don't blame her.

"...Right. You don't want to, huh? I'm not surprised. After all, I'm the crazy one who doesn't take things seriously during our missions. I should've known that you wouldn't want to talk to me after everything I had done to you and Kibi. I'm sorry. Really." I say while rubbing my neck.

I turn around. "Sorry for-"

"Wait," Tao speaks up suddenly. I turned around and saw a frown on her face. She closes her eyes and speaks, "*Sighs* I'm sorry, Kuma. I didn't mean to be rude just now. Please...come in."

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