Strive 66: It's Hidden!

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Kibishi POV


We slowly lifted the wooden floor and saw spikes underneath it. It seems to be a soft door to make you fall and hit the tip, which will lead to your death.

"This should be the last one," I said.

"Five death traps in a row. And in unexpected places as well." Tao says with curiosity.

"I'll cover the spikes here in case anyone else comes here for shelter. I will add another tracker to alert us if any humans end up here, too." Kuma says with a straight face.

Jir summon her weapon and-


Smash the spike and destroy it.

"Jir?!" Kuma freaks out.

"This one seems to have been used recently. The faint blood stain proved that. Better to be safe than sorry." Jir explains seriously.

"Good point. The others are old, so we cover it up. Hmm..." I look at the broken spikes.

"We should've smashed the others, too, right? I was just thinking that, Kishi." Tao said.

"Since we're on the topic, why don't we all smash the remaining traps?" Jir suggested. "In hindsight, we should've done that in the first place. Then again, we didn't think about that then, so it can't be helped." Tao explains with a nervous smile.

"Haha..." I laugh a bit, then sweat.

A few minutes later...

We all separated to smash the remaining four traps. Luckily, each trap is different, so it's not like I had to do extra work. I did have bruises during the process.

"Phew! We managed to disable the traps around the church!" Tao says with a bright smile.

"Yup! Good work, gang!" Jir says proudly.

"Hmm..." I place my hand under my chin. "What's wrong, Kibi?" Kuma asks curiously. "Just a thought, but none of you seen anything that could've unlocked the second layer, right? Of that monster's weakness?" I ask with a frown.

"Unfortunately, no," Tao answers with a frown.

"Same," Jir says with a sad expression.

"Diddo," Kuma says while placing her hands in the purple jacket. "Seems like we can't do anything about the monster right now. I want to ensure that the middle city is safe from its clutches, though."

"Understood. But Kishi's right, guys. I still want to make sure we look everywhere before we move on. I don't want to miss anything in case we walk past it. Maybe it's a small button or perhaps a lever that can open up a secret tunnel. Anything is possible these days." Tao explains.

"But we double-checked the areas as soon as we destroyed the traps," Jir explains while scratching her pink hair.

"Wait, hold on a second," Kuma raises her right hand. "*Curious expression* I notice a pattern here, just like back then. You know, with the lower tunnel and its prison. *Lower right hand and puts it back inside the jacket* Where DID we find the angel monster's weakness? In a hidden path. *Smile* So, if we keep looking at every crank and crevice of this place, then there's bound to be some clues. I'm sure it's worth the short."

"I see. Not a bad idea, Kuma." I smiled.

"So anyway, let's look around as a group one last time. That way, we can each take turns resting their the rest search around certain corners or areas." Tao explains with a calm expression.

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