Strive 12: Going Berserk?!

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Kibishi POV


Yeah, that's right. All I saw was blood. The blood spilled so much that no normal human could survive after that attack. In fact, I know this well...

"But...why? You have already taken so much- how can someone be so selfless and not- Kibi." Akuma whispers in despair. 

"U-ugh..." I grunted.

The pain from getting hit. The pain you feel when you receive a hole in your stomach. The pain you feel when you see your own blood spill on the floor. Let alone your very own organ itself. I know this well, too...

"Kishi..." Tao's eyes turn dull "KISHI!" 

I know this very well. I know this so well that it's like common knowledge to me now. The blood. The blood kept spilling. The blood was spilling...

Yeah, that's right. That blood...was mine. 


"Tao...Kuma..." I smiled weakly "Thank goodness you're alive..."


I fall once more...

Narrator's POV

"Kishi!" Tao called out to her friend. She forces herself to stand up but ends up falling on her knees "ARGH!" she screams in pain. 

The monster raises its claw to attack Kibishi. Tao saw this and ran toward Kibishi's body. "Kishi! No stop!" she cried out loud. Akuma held her head "Tch! We burned out all of our energy, yet that bastard can still move a bit faster than us. If we were in our top shape, we can outrun it but none of us are not! So frustrating!" 


Akuma trip and fall on one knee "Damn it!". She then takes out a device that shapes like a small pen and stabs herself and lets white fluid enter inside of her.

"Roar!!!" The monster swings out its claw toward Kibishi's body. Luckily enough, Tao jumps in the way and reveals her back to the monster. She hugs Kibishi and embraces the impact of the attack.


Before receiving the blow, Akuma was blocking it with her blade. She grits her teeth "Arrgghh!"


Akuma counters the monster and it falls back. 

"Tao, are you okay?!" Akuma asks while going in front of Tao and Kibishi. "Kishi...*tearing up* Kishi, speak to me!" 

"Ugh...*slowly open eyes* Tao, I'm sorry. I know that I cause you to move after everything you have done. *smile* I just couldn't let you...get harmed after being so...tired..." Kibishi says weakly. "Kishi...*close eyes* *sniff* *hic* Kishi...? Why are you...always...?"

Kibishi smiles "I honestly can't believe...I was able to move at all, haha. I guessed you can say that it was adrenaline kicking in." 

"That monster..." Tao's hair was covering her eyes "That sick bastard...hurt you. How dare it...cause you so much pain."

"Tao?" Kibishi had a surprised look.

"How dare it...harm you. How dare it cause you so much pain..." Tao whispers in frustration. She then rests Kibishi's body gently on the wall "Unforgivable...that's unforgivable...!" Tao whispers in anger and pain. She looks at her weapon then slowly walks towards it "You...harm Kishi..." 

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