Strive 32: The Next Step!

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Kibishi's POV

"Kishi...!" I heard a muffled voice in the darkness...


"Kishi...KISHI!" I heard the voice more clearly and then-


"Tao! Are you hurt?!" I jump out of my slumber. I was panicking with sweat running down my face. I slowly look around and then touch my forehead "Urgh. My head hurts." I then touch my heart "Not to mention the painful feeling every time my heart pumps. I'll just deal with it for now. Not going to kill me...I hope." 

I then felt something heavy on my lap. I look down and saw Tao sleeping on her arms while resting on me. "Tao..." I whisper.

I slowly reach out to her. At first, I hesitate, but then- I decided to pat her head and then play with her hair but not too roughly to wake her up. What happened to me? I then remembered and then widen my eyes a bit "Oh, right! I went out with Kujira to save Tao and Kuma!". "Thank goodness! I saved them both with my heart! I saved Tao!"

"Mm..." Tao moves a bit but then gets back to sleep.

"O-oops, s-sorry!" I whisper once more to not wake up my sleepy friend. Now then, I remember going out there, I ate a creature, and saving Tao and Kuma from their true selves, the monster take over Tao's body and said something about being on the wrong side. Not to a certain direction...

"Hmm..." I blink.

Why DID it take over Tao's body? Isn't it invincible? Or is there something to that invincibility?  It can't be just a coincidence that he takes over Tao's body when she was variable. It fought off two supernatural in such a state. So that means that the forms they were in were too much for its regeneration and had to cast its body away momentarily. That's my theory anyway...


Mato walks in with Kuma and Kujira who seem worried about something. "Mato, will he wake up today? It's been three weeks now!" Kuma says in a scared way. "No one sleep for that long unless- Mato!" Kujira narrows her eyes with tears forming "We aren't going to lose him, are we? I wanted to apologize again for acting in such a rude matter!"

"I can't say. Kibishi's heart stop the moment he got knocked out. I'm not saying he's dead but when your heart stops that means you are. But his brain and bloodstream were still working. As if he goes into sleep mode like a computer- hmm?" Mato looks at me "Oh look, he's awake!" he smiled at me.

"HUH?!" The two girls widen their eyes in shock.

"Hmm?" Tao slowly wakes up "What's...?" she then gasps with a surprised expression "K...KISHI!" Tao smiles brightly.


"W-whoa!" I say while blushing "H-hey, Tao!"

She's hugging me! Her warmth! It' nice...

"Kib!" I heard Kujira. "Kibi!" Kuma says joyfully. I saw them running towards me with delight. I saw Mato slowly walking behind them as well. Once they make it by me they both bend down on their knees and hold each of my hands. "How you're feeling?! Does your body hurt!?" Kuma says while looking at my hand. "Have you been fed yet?! Want me to get food for you?!" Kujira says while looking at me with a frown. "I-It's okay! I mean, my head and heart felt a bit heavy, but it should be okay regardless." I smiled "But I'm so glad that all of you are alright! Especially Tao and Kuma!"

"Kishi...your heart sounds funny. Why is that?" Tao asked while frowning.

"I'm not sure but-" I pull my right hand away from Kujira and patted Tao's head "If this pain is my punishment for saving you then I'll gladly accept it! Tao's safe now! And I won't let you out of my sight ever again!"

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