Strive 74: Akuma's Hobby

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Taoreta's POV

Meanwhile, as Kibishi was cleaning...

"*sighs*..." I sigh in a corner while resting my head on my palms in a chair. I was sitting near the edge of the wall that's an entrance to the kitchen. Kuma started to take out the ingredients to cook for breakfast, but I'm just not feeling it. My heart is pounding in fright. Nothing can calm me except for him. Oh, Kishi, please forgive me for abandoning you. 

Please stay safe...

"We got everything we need to bake some sweets as well! Oh, and we may need to make some lovely cup of tea for everyone! Ginger can be nice! Oh wait, I think we're fresh out of them, huh? Man, I may need to go to the market for them. Then again, I'm broke, hm." Kuma says while folding her arms. 

"Mm..." That is all I can say while daydreaming.

I wonder what kind of food he'll like? Kishi, I mean. I want to make something to see his sweet and wonderful smile. A smile that can warm your heart. A smile that can make you feel fuzzy inside. A smile that can melt my very soul. 

"C'mon now, Tao. I need help cooking here! The adults are working, so it's our turn to cook up something delicious to eat!" Kuma says with a grin.

"Mm..." is all I say while nodding to her statement. While all that is true- I can only think about Kishi's sad expression right now. Kuma isn't a bad person by any means, but I don't want to keep my mind off of Kishi right now. I need to calm myself down from panicking and causing trouble for my best friend. Of course, I could be overthinking things quite a bit, but still, I can't help myself.

The more I have this mindset, the more I want to see him. I can't help it; it's just the way I am.

I genuinely want to be there for Kuma and Jir as well.

They are my friends, after all. And, of course, I'll always be there for them if things get hectic. 

But alas,

My mind always drifts away as I think about Kishi's wonderful expression.

Oh gosh! There I go again!

I really need to stop thinking this way! Kishi might find it weird and uncomfortable. 

"*Puffy face* For goodness sake, Tao! Will you stop pouting and help me out?!" Kuma says while making a puffy face.

"Hmm?" I look at Kuma. I close my eyes and sigh. "*Sigh* I'm sorry, Kuma. I didn't mean to ignore you like that."

"Kibi in your mind?" Kuma asked.

I opened my eyes and nodded.

"Of course he is..." Kuma frowns and turns around towards the table. "Tao, listen. As much as I like you daydreaming about Kibi, he's safe here. Nothing will harm him while we're around, okay?".  Kuma takes out a bowl and some brown sugar out of a cabinet. "Besides, this middle area has an anti-creature force field. And thanks to our mission last night, now the top has a mystical shield that will prevent anything from landing on top of the city."

"Hmm..." I groan.

"Hey, I got an idea!" Kuma began as she closed the cabinet and placed the sugar down. "Why don't you have something for the guy, hm?" Kuma placed her hands on her waist and smiled brightly. "That way, you can give him sweets as he eats breakfast!"

"Isn't that a bit much? I read that having sweets in the morning isn't worth it and may get someone sick." I say with some concern in my voice.

"I'll show you how to make a heart!~" Kuma sings at the end, then smirks.

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