Strive 63: The Move

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Kibishi's POV

"I see," I nodded.

"What do you think?" Tao asked.

"Seems to me that the monster we just faced wasn't from this layer. More or so, one of the layers from above. And it could return and even destroy the middle city. " I place my hand under my chin. "But that begs the question, though? Why did it appear before us now?"

"Same thing I was going to ask. We fought the monster more than three times already. The one for this layer, I mean. If you think about it, logic would say that teaming up with the lower-area monster would've killed off the resistance faster without sweat. " Tao explains.

"So that means it was looking for something," Jir said.

"That, or it's stopping us from proceeding to the next layer. So, let's wait it out and see if it'll return here." Kuma suggested.

"We might be too late by then. It'll probably kill us before we can examine it." Tao said.

"Then, in the meantime, how about we just head back?" Jir suggested.

"But then it'll put everyone else in danger. We have to confirm if it'll return, remember?" Tao said.

"Hmm..." I blink.

Tao's right. One wrong move and it'll cost us everything. My suggestion is to fight it head-on, but- if it's like the angel monster, then the weakness is within the layers. So, facing it now is suicide.

The only thing I could think of was to defend ourselves.

Nothing else will work.

"Guys, let's continue to look for a way to open a path for the second layer. While we do that, let's look for that monster's weakness." I suggested.

"But it might come back," Tao said.

"I know, but what other choice do we have here? We can't go home without any progress. We got its DNA to do a shield to protect the city. If my theory is correct, it'll try to stop us from progressing to each layer." I explain.

"What brought you to this conclusion?" Kuma asked.

"Just a feeling, I suppose. I also feel like it's specifically trying to stop us from progressing." I said

"In that case, we should proceed with caution. So, we'll take another five-minute break and continue exploring the area." Tao said.

"Thanks for understanding, Tao," I said.

"Of course! I trust you, after all!" Tao says with a small smile.

Right. Now, all we have to do is stay cautious and explore carefully. Even if it returns, as long as it doesn't see us, it won't attack immediately. Course, it might just strike the buildings to lure us out, but if we move carefully, then it'll give up for a bit. I just hope we can find something to open up the second layer before then.

The question is, what?

15 minutes later...

"*Yawn*" I yawn while stretching my arms. I looked to the left and saw the girls ready to head out. I look at the floor and blink. I must've fallen asleep again for a bit. I look back to the girls.

"Ah, they must've stayed up to keep watch. It was thoughtful of them to let me sleep." I say with a small smile. I decided to stand up from the ground and walk towards them.

Step! Step! Step!

I made by their said with a bright smile, "Hey, guys! I'm all ready to go!"

"Kishi!" Tao smiles at me.

"Yo, Kib! Are you all rested up to explore some more?" Jir asks with a cute smile.

"Sure am! I walk up on time, right?" I asked.

"Actually, we're ten minutes behind, but it's fine," Kuma says while putting her hands in her purple jacket. "After all, we have been through a lot already," she said.

"And I know how stressful it is to keep on tap on all of us here, Kishi. So I ask them to let you sleep more. Sorry about that." Tao apologized while bowing down to me. "Please forgive me! I don't want you to be restless!"

"Hehe, figures as much. The nap was a little too good for it to be a short one." I say while scratching the side of my left cheek on my face with my index finger.

"Sorry, Kib. We promised 5 minutes, but Tao was a bit worried about you. We were, too, so that's why we didn't wake you in the first place." Jir explained.

"Appreciate it." I smile.

"Alright, guys! Let's set out!" Kuma shouted in excitement.

Outside of the building...

We stayed close as we walked away from the building we were staying in.

Now, the question is, how do we know when to find something that can lead us to the next layer?

Let me go over it with everyone to confirm while walking.

"So guys, want to examine the map while walking?" I asked. "Sure," Kuma nodded. She takes the map out of her jacket. "Hmm..."

Kuma slowly touches the building location. "We're here, and the entrance or exit for this area is way over to the left."

Tao walks closer and takes a look as well. "We face the monster over to the angel statue over here. So the places we haven't checked were "Angel's Chamber," "The Chruch Of God," and..."The Holy Tree"." Tao said.

"Sounds relatable to the angel monster," I said.

"And Tao as well..." Kuma commented while we walked past a couple of dead trees, buildings, and some graveyards.

"Hold on a minute, I'm starting to see a pattern here..." Jir says with a worried expression. "An angel monster, angel theme stuff, and items- can't be just a coincidence," Tao says calmly.

"That means our theory about Tao being connected to the monster isn't far-fetched anymore. With all these themes with angels and holy things, it's hard to believe it isn't." I explained.

"Even if that's the case, I think it still has flaws. With Tao being born as a human, therefore she can't be connected to a monster directly." Kuma says with a straight face.

"The only thing I can say that sort of has a connection is the fact that she receives its powers, which might be because of the bracelet and nothing more," Jir said.

"Maybe. But you to admit, it does connect in a way." I said.

"Yeah, you're right. You got me there. We just don't know how exactly." Kuma said.

"Anyway, let's head towards the holy tree first," Tao suggested. "Yeah, good idea. It's not too far away, either. Let's go, everyone!" I say with a bright smile.

To Be Continued...

Sorry for the short chapter this time around. I didn't want to force myself to write things that might not fit the story. Anyway, I'll see you all later! Bye.

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