Chapter 3

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Chapter 3 My uncle is the villain [3]

Li Yanchen has a lot of love outside. wife, and Li Jinnian's mother was with Li Yanchen the longest, and was also his favorite one.

It's just that for Li Yanchen, a scumbag, greedy and lustful is his nature, and Li Jinnian's mother is old and lustful, so gradually he seldom goes to see Li Jinnian's mother, and Li Jinnian's mother just goes there because she misses too much .

And in recent years, Li Yanchen's favorite love. The wife's name is Bai Weiwei, a standard white lotus, there is no way, Li Yanchen is fine with this, he likes women to cling to him wholeheartedly and worship him.

And this Bai Weiwei is not a cheap lamp, her goal is the position of Mrs. Li, and she also has an identity, that is, she is a distant relative of Gao An's father, one can imagine how big her ambition is!

This girl gave birth to Li Yanchen's twins last year. With the baby, Bai Weiwei's confidence is obviously stronger. Since three months ago, she has often sent some specious photos to Han Jinxian, but Han Jinxian doesn't care too much. It will affect her son's interests, Han Jinxian's attitude is to ignore it.

Until last night, Bai Weiwei sent the photo of her and Li Yanchen on the boat to Han Jinxian, and then Han Jinxian directly showed the photo to Li Yanchen, which was unavoidable afterwards. Knowing that Bai Weiwei is Gao An's relative, the original owner was very angry, but he couldn't find the address of the little lover in a while, so he went to make Gao An a meal.

Although the original owner is not good at studying, but when it comes to fighting, he is definitely an expert. From primary school to now, he has been beaten by Li Yanchen for many fights.

Sitting in the car, Li Yanchen told Li Fuhuan to keep his posture low and not put on a face like two hundred and fifty thousand.

Li Fuhuan didn't bother to talk to Li Yanchen, he was a real scumbag. He was born in a military and political family in his previous life, and his grandparents were very affectionate, not to mention his dedicated parents, even his uncles and uncles were all devoted men, which caused him to prefer lack of affection.

Although he can't help himself now and is bound by the system that claims to be 002, as long as he is not forced to, he will never harm anyone.

In his heart, a relationship requires contributions from both parties. If you blindly accept other people's wishes, but you only enjoy yourself without taking responsibility, you are a scumbag.

The original owner didn't like Li Yanchen's father, and neither did Li Fuhuan, but it was also mentioned in the plot that Li Yanchen was not the original owner's biological father, so he had nothing to say.

At the entrance of the hospital, Li Yanchen got out of the car. He carried a basket of fruit from the trunk and asked Li Fuhuan to carry it up.

By the way, tell Gao An the room where he was hospitalized.

"Let me tell you, if you mess things up today, I'll freeze your credit card later. Don't think I'm joking with you."

Li Yanchen's ability to hook up with so many young girls is of course long Not bad, a well-tailored dark suit set off his strong and sturdy figure. He has a kind of calm and wise man in his prime, not like the impetuous and exaggerated young people nowadays. To put it bluntly, even Li Yanchen At the age of ten, he can still attract a large number of girls.

However, no matter how good-looking he is, it still can't change the fact that he is a scum.

Li Fuhuan played the role of the original owner, curled his lips in disdain, didn't say anything after all, took the things in his hand, and walked towards the hospital without saying a word.

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