Chapter 113

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Chapter 113 The Trash Picking Villain (8)


, the world spun, Yue Zhuo fell to the ground on all fours, and his entire handsome face was buried in the stinking garbage dump.

Yue Zhuo: ...Didn't it mean that his body is a humanoid killer?

Why can't you beat a savage?

Anyway, Yue Zhuo was also his savior, so Qi Jin couldn't pretend he didn't see anything, so he hurried to Yue Zhuo and leaned over to help him up from the garbage dump.

"Are you okay?"

Qi Jin didn't dislike Yuezhuo's smell, but instead patted the stolen goods on his body with his hand.

Yuezhuo is not well at the moment, he glanced at the garbage pile in front of him, his long and narrow eyes are now round and round, full of inconceivable.

Was he beaten?

From his first mission to the present, apart from suffering once in a certain world, when did he suffer such losses?


Yue Zhuo quickly pushed away Qi Jin who was helping him remove the stolen goods from his head, and shot at Xu Fuhuan in a rage.

"I want your life."

Xu Fuhuan snorted coldly, there are many people who want his life, but is he so easy to bully? !

Qi Jin was afraid that the dumb would suffer, so he subconsciously held back the impulsive Yuezhuo.

"Don't make trouble."

"Don't make trouble?" Yue Zhuo suddenly turned around and looked at Qi Jin in shock. "You said I was making trouble?"

"Isn't it? It was you who made the first move."

Hearing this, Yue Zhuo's heart was full of disbelief.

Although he had his own selfish intentions and rescued Qi Jin early, which prevented him from recovering his strength as in the plot, he also helped Qi Jin avoid the end of helping his enemy in the future.

Anyway, he is also Qi Jin's savior, why did Qi Jin say that he was making trouble for no reason when he was being bullied?

How could this feeling of helplessness give him a bad premonition?

It's like, like a white-eyed wolf in a certain world.

Thinking of the white-eyed wolf Hua Shijun who turned his back on him back then, Sun Yuezhuo's heart shuddered, he suddenly withdrew his hand, and looked at Qi Jin calmly for a long time, looking at Qi Jin full of bewilderment.

"I'll go for a walk."

Yue Zhuo has lived for too long, and he is not an impulsive person, he didn't deliberately find fault with Xu Fuhuan, he just hated Xu Fuhuan instinctively, the first time he saw him, He couldn't help his calm heart, like a hot-blooded and impulsive kid, wishing to tear Xu Fuhuan to pieces.

Watching Yue Zhuo disappear from the eyes of the two of them in the blink of an eye.

Xu Fuhuan sneered.

He also hated this boy very much, hated him from the bottom of his heart.

As Qi Jin who was sandwiched between the two of them, he was really in a dilemma.

Yuezhuo is his savior, so isn't the dumb one? Although Yuezhuo saved him purposefully, it still couldn't change Yuezhuo's kindness to him.

"Mute, are you alright?"

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