Chapter 129

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Chapter 129 Immortal Venerable, Please Advise (3)

    Yuqing watched it quietly for a while, and then said lightly: "It turned out to be a tree demon with enlightened wisdom, but it is also your good fortune." The calm

    tone, without any emotions, was just like the one who was suppressing his anger just now. This person is not like him. Even the suspicion that flashed in his eyes just now dissipated with the end of this sentence.

    If it weren't for his white as suet jade. There was still a trace of angry blush on Xi's cheeks, Xu Fuhuan thought that everything just now was his illusion.

    Xu Fuhuan really wanted to establish a good relationship with him, not to mention that he was his mission target, but to say that Yushui's alchemist's identity, as long as he can catch Yuqing's eyes, he doesn't have to worry about the underground things that he can't get in every day. The fairy veins are gone.

    It's just that Yuqing returned to the old indifference of rejecting people thousands of miles away, and even turned around and left when she found that there was a tree demon with enlightened wisdom hidden here.

    For the rest of the day, Xu Fuhuan never saw Yuqing again, but Yushui came several times.

    Perhaps he was used to Yuqing staying here for a few hours every day, but he suddenly stopped coming, so he became suspicious of this place.

    However, he checked it several times and found nothing abnormal, so he rested his mind.

    After Xu Fuhuan was sure that Yuqing would not come, he practiced meditation again.


    Xu Fuhuan was awakened by a huge sense of crisis this time.

    The instinct of the body prompted him to escape from here, but as a tree, he had no choice but to leave even if he wanted to. He could only watch helplessly as disaster struck him, and a thunderbolt as thick as the mouth of a bowl struck him. The purple color like a dragon forcibly chopped off half of his tree.

    The painful Xu Fuhuan almost didn't cry out, the vigorous inner alchemy instantly became dim, and the wound that was struck by the thunder gradually oozes green juice. liquid.

    Isn't he in Yushui's ring space? How could there be thunder?

    "You can't even handle the spells of a little flower fairy like me, so you are worthy of being called a fairy?" An arrogant and mocking voice came from Xu Fuhuan's left side.

    Xu Fuhuan has lived in this big tree for thousands of years. Without his possession, this tree would be an ordinary tree at most. It is because of his step-by-step cultivation so far that his soul has long been integrated with the big tree. There will be today's cultivation base.

    But it was the current lightning strike that immediately hurt his roots.

    Xu Fuhuan followed the voice and looked over, a monster. The raucous and flamboyant man is dressed in gorgeous clothes. She was wearing a beautiful water red thin shirt, and looked at the man in plain clothes who fell to the ground mockingly with a look of contempt.

    The plain-clothed man was in a panic, with long hair like splashed ink. Scattered on the ground. Xu Fuhuan couldn't see his expression clearly, but from his clothes, Xu Fuhuan also knew that he was Yuqing.

    The one who dislikes Yuqing the most in the fairy world is the flower demon.

    That is to say, the dressed demon in front of him. The voluptuous man is a flower demon?

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