Chapter 24

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Chapter 24 This little devil is a little cute (5)

The original owner's feelings for Yan Shao went deep into his bone marrow, and he was just a person related to Yan Shao, so he almost couldn't control his behavior.

There are no missions in this world, Xiao Er also said, it is right to take a vacation, if someone comes out from time to time and makes him lose control, how can he go on vacation?

Moreover, Yan Shao was obviously uneasy and kind to the original owner. Otherwise, why would he bring an ordinary person like the original owner in to die in such a dangerous place?

"Yan Shao, he's fine. Ever since you were taken away by that dragon, everyone has been looking for you." The visitor obviously knew about Xu Fuhuan, no, it should be the original owner who knew everything about Yan Shao. , and even explained in detail what happened after he fell into a coma.

Probably after he fell into a coma, Jiaolong suddenly gave up entanglement with them and took him away directly.

But everyone failed to save each other in time. Apart from the fact that everyone was seriously injured, another reason was that the original owner was indeed an oil bottle. He was taken away by Jiaolong, which was exactly what everyone wanted, and it was also Yan Shao who wanted to find him. Only then did the person in front of him find this.

The visitor's surname is Zhang, and the single name is a good character. He is about the same age as Yan Shao, and he is Yan Shao's best friend.

Zhang Liang is the only one in this group besides Yan Shao who knows Taoism. Even on the road of Taoism, he is far better than Yan Shao.

The person was greeted by Yan Shao before departure. What is the purpose, Xu Fuhuan is not clear yet. People like him do not lack gold and silver. Since there are ghosts in this world, they must be Taoist priests. It's very profitable, especially for a master like him, but he followed Yan Shao into this dangerous tomb, presumably there is some treasure in it that attracted them to take risks.

After all, except for Yan Shao and Zhang Liang, the others are all money-grubbing desperadoes who are only greedy for the treasure in the tomb.

Hearing this, Xu Fuhuan remained silent, lowered his head, thinking whether he should go on an adventure with him, or stay here to heal his injuries first, and then let Jiaolong take him out.

However, before he could think about it, Zhang Liang interrupted his thoughts.

"It seems that you have had a good time here these few days. How did you escape from that dragon? Who saved you?"

The tone seemed casual, but the words were sharp, especially those Chengwen eyes. , without any emotion.

When Xu Fuhuan heard this, her heart tensed at first, and then she forced a smile.

"I don't know either. When I woke up, I was here."

If Xu Fuhuan's face was paler at this time, it would be more convincing, but the fact is that he has been raised by Jiaolong these days His face was radiant, and he didn't look like he was seriously injured at all.

Zhang Liang was looking at this simple stone room. Hearing this, he couldn't help but cast his eyes on him, "Really?" With

an indifferent tone, it was hard to tell whether he believed it or not.

Xu Fuhuan clenched the palms hanging on both sides of his body tightly, and the whole palm was covered with fine cold sweat.

Back then Jiaolong didn't show any affection towards him, didn't the original owner just die on Jiaolong's tail? But he didn't even say he was dying, he didn't even have a pale sick face, and his face was flushed, anyone could see that there was something wrong.

dark green. The black eyes looked at Xu Fuhuan for a while, and Zhang Liang sighed softly.

"Let's go, everyone is still waiting for you."

Zhang Liang didn't ask any more questions, and walked directly towards the stone room.

Xu Fuhuan pursed his lips, it seemed that he had no choice but to go if he didn't want to.

Before leaving, he took a last look at the stone room, and didn't know where the dragon named Ah Qing went. He left just like that, and didn't know whether Ah Qing would be angry because of his behavior of leaving without saying goodbye.

Although the original owner died because of Jiaolong, since Xu Fuhuan entered the original owner's body, his life was saved by Jiaolong. Perhaps, the original owner would resent Jiaolong, but in Xu Fuhuan's view, the root of all this is still Because of Yan Shao.

Zhang Liang was a very seldom talkative person, since he met him, he never took the initiative to speak except for necessary communication.

So this road is nothing but silence.

Xu Fuhuan followed closely behind him, the fear of ghosts in his heart made him carefully try to avoid seeing things that should not be seen with his messy eyes, and put all his attention on Zhang Liang's back superior.

It wasn't until Zhang Liang stopped suddenly that Xu Fuhuan became unsteady and hit him directly on the back, only then did he realize that the two were standing on a platform at this moment, and it was only then that he realized that this stone room was actually sitting It landed halfway up a cliff. The gloomy cold wind was blowing from all directions, Xu Fuhuan couldn't help but looked up at the dark cliff top. He pursed his lips and said nothing. There was a rope hanging from the top of the cliff to halfway up the cliff. Zhang Liang pulled the rope, tied it around Xu Fuhuan's waist first, and then pulled the rope again. Perhaps someone was guarding the top of the rope, and Zhang Liang After pulling the rope, the people above began to pull the rope, pulling Xu Fuhuan up. The dark wind blew past his ears, occasionally stepped on the rocks on the cliff, the rocks and stones fell off, and fell into this bottomless abyss, and the sound of the stones falling could not be heard for a long time. It is impossible to say that you are not afraid. However, things have come to this point, it is no longer a question of whether he is afraid or not, but a question of how to survive in such a dangerous environment. The original owner has been taught by Yan Shao for three years, and he has never taught the original owner half of Taoism, and the original owner himself has never practiced martial arts. When the danger comes, if Yan Shao can't take care of it, he will be the first to be cannon fodder. It took a long time for the rope to pull him up. Xu Shiren was arranged by Yan Shao to look for him, so there was only one person who stayed on top to guard the rope. This person was one of the group of people. Not a good thing. And he is indeed not a good person. The original owner saw this fat man use his teammates as a shield several times when he was in danger. However, the original owner was indifferent, and the only person he cared about was Yan Shao, so he kept silent.

This fat man's own strength is not much, but he has a lot of sloppy intestines. In addition to stepping on the corpse of his partner all the way to the present, there is another thing that he particularly dislikes the original owner. At the beginning, he disliked the original owner. , will drag them back, and secretly instigate their people to make things difficult for the original owner. Later, their people died and were injured, but the original owner was intact, which made him feel unbalanced. In his eyes, the original owner is just a The trash, something he could crush to death with just one finger, has survived all the way to the present, while his teammates are almost dead, so he started to provoke Yan Shao again, telling him to throw away the original owner.

It was such a person, seeing that the person he worked so hard to pull up turned out to be Xu Fuhuan, his face darkened, and he asked in a dark voice, "Why are you? Where is Daoist Zhang?"

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